“法治中国”主题文献库 China Law & Society (217)
“法治中国”主题文献库 China Law & Society (217)
“法治中国”主题文献库系由Wells首创的中国法律文化和中国法学学术“走出去”重大项目,重点收录有关中国的法律、政治、经济、社会发展、国际关系、外交、贸易等学术专著、期刊、论文、专题报告、法律法规、案例等相关文献,并以英语为主在海外出版、发行、通过HeinOnline, vlex等数据库传播,以期提升中国法学学术影响力,让世界更好了解法治中国和社会的发展及成就。
The Wells-China Law & Society Library is aimed at building a collection of books, periodicals, papers, special reports, and any other valuable material on Chinese legal and social development.
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前言之后,本书共13章。第一章介绍当今世界格局,以中国崛起如何改变世界格局为线索。第二章探讨中国走向世界的总体思路。第三章介绍中国的“一带一路倡议”,它是中国走向世界的重要思想和政策框架。前三章是综述性的章节。第四章开始,本书用十个章节讨论美国(第四章)、东亚(第五章)、东南亚(第六、七章)、欧亚大陆(第八章)、南亚和西亚(第九、十章)、欧洲(第十一章)、大洋洲、非洲、拉丁美洲(第十二章)。最后,第十三章将讨论在中国走向世界的大时代,我们的高校和科研机构应如何培养全球化人才,以此结束全书。作者:王正绪 阅读:33 下载:0 -
On January 1, 2021, the first law to be named as “code”—the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter “Civil Code”) came into force. The enactment and enforcement of the Civil Code is a significant event in the process of modernization of national governance capacity and governance system in China, and will have a far-reaching impact on promoting the construction of the rule of law in China, better protecting people’s rights and interests, and encouraging the development of the socialist market economy.作者:申卫星 阅读:196 下载:0 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:196 下载:10 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 108 • September/October 2024
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2024年第5期(总第108期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:构建全球发展共同体:核心要义与中国实践 李丹 李龙龙;新形势下中国推动上海合作组织发展的路径思考 李天毅 邓浩;美日菲三边合作机制化及其影响 郑先武 薛亮;非洲之角安全治理与中国方案 张梦颖;印度半导体产业发展态势与前景 楼春豪;澳大利亚深化与北约关系:动因与影响 沈予加。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:157 下载:2 -
Contemporary China and the World Volume 2, Issue 1
《当代中国与世界》创刊于2021年,是由中国外文出版发行事业局主管、当代中国与世界研究院主办的学术期刊。该杂志以研究国际政治、经济、文化、科技等领域的重大理论和现实问题为主要内容,旨在为广大读者提供深度、权威、全面的国际视野。作者:当代中国与世界研究院 阅读:197 下载:0 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 14 • Issue 3 • September 2024
社长:赵忠秀;资深顾问:林桂军;主编:屠新泉;联合主编:杨国华;编委会成员:陈卫东(对外经济贸易大学);崔凡(对外经济贸易大学);丁如(中国政法大学);高树超(新加坡管理大学);管健(高文律师事务所);何菁(己任律师事务所);黄建忠(上海对外经贸大学);孔庆江(中国政法大学);李春顶(中国农业大学);李巍 (中国人民大学);李永(中国国际贸易学会);廖诗评(北京师范大学);卢先堃(日内瓦智库“多边主义之友小组”);吕越(对外经济贸易大学);马弘(清华大学);盛斌(南开大学);石静霞(中国人民大学);王栋(北京大学);王勇(北京大学);曾卡(阿肯色州立大学);周密(商务部研究院);周围欢(新南威尔士大学)。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:300 下载:6 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 23 Number 5 OCTOBER 2024(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:217 下载:0 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 23 Number 4 AUGUST 2024(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:223 下载:0 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 14 • Issue 4 • December 2024
社长:赵忠秀;资深顾问:林桂军;主编:屠新泉;联合主编:杨国华;编委会成员:陈卫东(对外经济贸易大学);崔凡(对外经济贸易大学);丁如(中国政法大学);高树超(新加坡管理大学);管健(高文律师事务所);何菁(己任律师事务所);黄建忠(上海对外经贸大学);孔庆江(中国政法大学);李春顶(中国农业大学);李巍 (中国人民大学);李永(中国国际贸易学会);廖诗评(北京师范大学);卢先堃(日内瓦智库“多边主义之友小组”);吕越(对外经济贸易大学);马弘(清华大学);盛斌(南开大学);石静霞(中国人民大学);王栋(北京大学);王勇(北京大学);曾卡(阿肯色州立大学);周密(商务部研究院);周围欢(新南威尔士大学)。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:379 下载:6 -
作为“中国—东盟法律研究中心研究员文丛”之一,本书全面介绍了中国-东盟投资和贸易争端解决机制的不同要素和内容。作者:阳兴龙 阅读:832 下载:0 -
该书从民法著作的角度概观中国民法学百年的变迁。在图书选材上,越是早期的著作,越力求全面,努力做到没有遗漏;越是晚近的著作,越强调图书本身的重要性和影响力。中国民法学百年中的“百年”固有所指,但本书仍对百年前后略有论及,以更好的反映中国民法学的全貌。作者:张志坡 阅读:609 下载:1 -
2024年10月15日,自然资源部发布《中国矿产资源报告(2024)》。《报告》显示,中国采矿业固定资产投资连续3年正增长,主要矿产品供给稳中有升,矿产资源节约集约与综合利用稳步推进。2023年,采矿业固定资产投资较上年增长2.1%。其中,有色金属矿采选业同比大幅增长 42.7%,非金属矿采选业增长16.2%,石油与天然气开采业增长15.2%,煤炭开采和洗选业增长12.1%。截至2023年底,中国已发现矿产173种,其中能源矿产13种,金属矿产59种,非金属矿产95种,水气矿产6种;煤炭储量较2022年底增长5.6%,石油、天然气剩余探明技术可采储量分别增长1.2%和2.6%。作者:自然资源部 阅读:891 下载:12 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 107 • July/August 2024
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2024年第4期(总第107期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:坚持正确人权观 推动国际人权事业健康发展 外交部国际司;三大倡议与全球治理体系改革和建设 于江;和平共处五项原则的国际法内涵与时代价值 黄惠康 白晓航;俄罗斯“转向东方”政策演变及前景展望 李自国;美菲特殊关系的回归: 动因、影响及制约 刘阿明;经济安全与日本对东南亚经济外交的战略和策略 周生升;北约太空政策的调整及其影响 何奇松。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:583 下载:3 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 3, Issue 2, Summer 2024
2024年夏,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 3, Issue 2, Summer 2024) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:732 下载:23 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2024
2024年春,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2024) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:713 下载:19 -
本书译自我国著名法学家、中国政法大学终身教授陈光中先生的《中国古代司法制度》(北京大学出版社2017年版)。中国古代司法制度是中国古代法制的重要组成部分。中国古代法制具有“诸法合体,民刑不分”的特点,中国古代的司法活动也自有其独特的运行方式与规律。古人为我们留下了大量的典籍、史料,我们可以通过这些材料去了解中国古代司法制度的构建,并尽可能还原中国古代司法活动的样貌。作者:陈光中 阅读:790 下载:12 -
Modern Law Research: Volume 5 Issue 2 2024
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Research on the Judicial Accountability Subject Model in China,Jun Meng;EU Data Governance Act: New Developments in Data Governance Rules and Implications for China, Xiaotong He;Research and Analysis of Copyrightability of Artificial Intelligence Generated Images, Meiling Guo;Issues on the Identification of B/L Carrier: Judicial Practice, Theories and the Proposed Revision on China’s Maritime Law, Shouzhi An, Kun Xu;Analysis on The Mode of Juvenile Procuratorial Integration Performance,Mingen Li;Social Governance Community:Connotation Definition,Construction Practice and Optimization Approach,Peizhang Shao;The System of Shareholders’ Capital Calls: Creation, Structure and Orientation,Zhuoran Zhang;The Legal Positioning of Rural Collective Economic Organizations: History and Value,Feiran Ji;Jurisprudence of Aggravation of the Crime of Buying Abducted Women or Children, Wenxin Dong;Research and Analysis on th Calculation Method of Punitive Damages in Food Safety Civil Public Interest Litigation,Yujie Shen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:704 下载:4 -
債務不履行による損害賠償責任(以下では「債務不履行責任」という。)が認められるための要件については、比較法的にみても、考え方が分かれている。その際、特に問題となっているのは、債務不履行責任について債務者の「帰責事由」を要求するかどうか、特に「帰責事由」として債務者の過失を必要とするかどうかである。これは、債務不履行責任の帰責原理を過失責任の考え方に求めるか、それともそれとは異なる考え方に求めるかという問題にほかならない。作者:徐千寻 阅读:865 下载:7 -
Educational governance is a product of scholars’ application of the word “governance” to the education sector. It comes into being and develops with the emergence of the concept of “governance.” It has a profound impact on the way of supply of education products, the revival and reestablishment of public value, and the public participation in education decision-making. An important common direction of international education reform is to break through the traditional educational administration system and build an educational governance mechanism based on the governance theory.作者:周洪宇等 阅读:812 下载:1 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 14 • Issue 2 • June 2024
社长:赵忠秀;资深顾问:林桂军;主编:屠新泉;联合主编:杨国华;编委会成员:陈卫东(对外经济贸易大学);崔凡(对外经济贸易大学);丁如(中国政法大学);高树超(新加坡管理大学);管健(高文律师事务所);何菁(己任律师事务所);黄建忠(上海对外经贸大学);孔庆江(中国政法大学);李春顶(中国农业大学);李巍 (中国人民大学);李永(中国国际贸易学会);廖诗评(北京师范大学);卢先堃(日内瓦智库“多边主义之友小组”);吕越(对外经济贸易大学);马弘(清华大学);盛斌(南开大学);石静霞(中国人民大学);王栋(北京大学);王勇(北京大学);曾卡(阿肯色州立大学);周密(商务部研究院);周围欢(新南威尔士大学)作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:1044 下载:12 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 14 • Issue 1 • March 2024
社长:赵忠秀;资深顾问:林桂军;主编:屠新泉;联合主编:杨国华;编委会成员:陈卫东(对外经济贸易大学);崔凡(对外经济贸易大学);丁如(中国政法大学);高树超(新加坡管理大学);管健(高文律师事务所);何菁(己任律师事务所);黄建忠(上海对外经贸大学);孔庆江(中国政法大学);李春顶(中国农业大学);李巍 (中国人民大学);李永(中国国际贸易学会);廖诗评(北京师范大学);卢先堃(日内瓦智库“多边主义之友小组”);吕越(对外经济贸易大学);马弘(清华大学);盛斌(南开大学);石静霞(中国人民大学);王栋(北京大学);王勇(北京大学);曾卡(阿肯色州立大学);周密(商务部研究院);周围欢(新南威尔士大学)作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:984 下载:4 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 13 • Issue 4 • December 2023
社长:赵忠秀;顾问:孙振宇;主编:林桂军;编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu, Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:1030 下载:5 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 23 Number 2 APRIL 2024(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:550 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 23 Number 1 FEBRUARY 2024(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:647 下载:10 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 6 DECEMBER 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:793 下载:4 -
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2024年第3期(总第106期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:倡导平等有序的世界多极化 : 理论基础与实践路径 刘卿;倡导普惠包容的经济全球化 : 内涵、逻辑及时代意义 刘飞涛;大趋势与小周期作用下的中美关系 吴心伯;全球发展倡议下的中拉绿色合作:进展、挑战与路径 曹廷;日本准同盟战略:实践、动因及制约因素 王竞超;美国军事战略的人工智能化趋势及其影响 刘胜湘 李志豪;大国竞争背景下的人工智能安全治理与战略稳定 沈逸 高瑜。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:569 下载:5 -
Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies—Selected Papers Volume 4, Issue 1, 2024
The Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies is an independent, peer-reviewed journal published in association with Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies. The Journal is a leading forum for articles on international land and maritime boundaries, the law of the sea and ocean governance, aspires to be a journal that provides a better understanding of the historical, geographical, political and legal dimensions of the boundary, borderland, cross-border, transborder and ocean issues.作者:武汉大学 阅读:837 下载:6 -
Contemporary China and the World Volume 1, Issue 2
Contemporary China and the World(《当代中国与世界》英文版)创刊于2023年,是当代中国与世界研究院主办的英文版智库学刊,由W.S.Hein和Wells合作出版,致力于推动中国学术观点走向世界,积极向国际社会传播全球治理的中国方案,回应国际社会重要关切,搭建中外思想交流对话平台,打造中国智慧、中国方案、中国话语对外传播新业态。作者:当代中国与世界研究院 阅读:1034 下载:7 -
Contemporary China and the World Volume 1, Issue 1
Contemporary China and the World(《当代中国与世界》英文版)创刊于2023年,是当代中国与世界研究院主办的英文版智库学刊,由W.S.Hein和Wells合作出版,致力于推动中国学术观点走向世界,积极向国际社会传播全球治理的中国方案,回应国际社会重要关切,搭建中外思想交流对话平台,打造中国智慧、中国方案、中国话语对外传播新业态。作者:当代中国与世界研究院 阅读:1163 下载:19 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(法文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:974 下载:8 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(俄文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:944 下载:5 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(德文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1010 下载:8 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(阿拉伯文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1037 下载:7 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(葡萄牙文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1014 下载:11 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(日文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1126 下载:8 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(西班牙文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1058 下载:10 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(英文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1617 下载:15 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(中文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。作者:中共中央 阅读:1074 下载:11 -
Changing Households and Government Governance
中国是一个有着悠久家户主义传统的国家,一家一户构成中国社会的基本组织单元。传统时期,家户的社会功能极为完备,包括生育、生产、消费、养老、教育等均主要由家户承担,对外部社会的需求和依赖有限。20世纪下半叶以来,随着经济社会条件的变化,家户的社会功能呈现出明显的弱化趋势,对外部社会的需求和依赖不断增加,并引致国家力量日益深入到农户家庭的日常生活当中。本书以若干典型农户为考察中心,从长时段的视角考察了家户变迁与政府治理之间此消彼长的互动过程,分析了产生这一现象的原因,并以此为基础,尝试建构不同于以往的政府治理的理论模式。作者:黄振华 阅读:1077 下载:1 -
The party leadership influence in China's legal system
This book uncovers several institutions within China’s legal system which facilitate the leadership of Chinese Communist Party in Chapters One to Four. They are: the Party’s institutions of control over the legislative process; the use of the change-ofvenue system to break local networks; the centralization of anticorruption measures; Party control through grassroots organizations, and transforming arrangements to promote participatory governance during emergencies. These institutions cover the making, application, enforcement and community practice of law. They all have legal bases and function according to the rules set out in relevant laws.作者:Deng Jinting 阅读:1152 下载:2 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 105 • March/April 2024
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2024年第2期(总第105期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:中国参与解决国际热点问题的理念、原则和实践 王帆;中日韩合作的发展、困境与前景 巴殿君 左天全;拜登主义与美国外交政策的转型 王浩;印度强化与“全球南方”关系:战略雄心与制约 张杰;全球数字治理赤字:表现、成因与中国的应对 蔡翠红 李煜华;全球网络空间治理:核心问题、中国方案与未来方向 徐龙第。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1073 下载:10 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 2, Issue 4, Winter 2023
2023年冬,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 2, Issue 4, Winter 2023) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1577 下载:2 -
《刑事诉讼法》(第七版)由著名法学家、中国政法大学终身教授、中国刑事诉讼法学研究会名誉会长陈光中主编。本次出版的《刑事诉讼法》英文版是对《刑事诉讼法》(第七版)进行翻译形成的作品。英文版于2022年11月由美国法学专业出版社W.S.Hein和Wells合作出版,并已全文登录HeinOnline数据库“法治中国”主题文献库(China Law and Society)。作者:陈光中 阅读:2372 下载:9 -
Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies—Selected Papers Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023
The Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies is an independent, peer-reviewed journal published in association with Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies. The Journal is a leading forum for articles on international land and maritime boundaries, the law of the sea and ocean governance, aspires to be a journal that provides a better understanding of the historical, geographical, political and legal dimensions of the boundary, borderland, cross-border, transborder and ocean issues.作者:武汉大学 阅读:935 下载:3 -
As the final outcome of the key research project titled “On the Theoretical Character of Historical Materialism” sponsored by the key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education in 2008, this book is currently published with the title of “On the Historicist turn of Marxian Philosophy and the End of Western Metaphysics.” It is aimed to re-explore the question of “what is the general character of Marxian philosophy” and I would argue that “Marxian philosophy is rightly historical materialism.”作者:刘福森 阅读:1136 下载:1 -
Personality Rights Law of the People’s Republic of China—A Coursebook
An independent “Book of Personality Rights” in the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code) is not only an important innovation in its system but also a major highlight for it to fully protect the rights and interests of the people. Personality rights are the various personality interests enjoyed by civil subjects pursuant to the law and free from any invasion, such as the right to life, the right to body, the right to health, the right to name, the right to entity name, the right to likeness, the right to reputation, the right to privacy, and the like. If the protection of property interests is aimed at providing a material basis for the survival and development of a subject, then the protection of personality interests is aimed at maintaining his/her subjectival existence. This existence is a prerequisite for a civil subject to be able to engage in social activities. Personality rights, which are related to the personal dignity of each person, are the most basic and important rights of civil subjects. And among the many rights and interests enjoyed by civil subjects, personality interests are at the highest level of significance.作者:王利明 阅读:1217 下载:3 -
Modern Law Research: Volume 5 Issue 1 2024
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Research on the Judicial Accountability Subject Model in China,Jun Meng;EU Data Governance Act: New Developments in Data Governance Rules and Implications for China, Xiaotong He;Research and Analysis of Copyrightability of Artificial Intelligence Generated Images, Meiling Guo;Issues on the Identification of B/L Carrier: Judicial Practice, Theories and the Proposed Revision on China’s Maritime Law, Shouzhi An, Kun Xu;Analysis on The Mode of Juvenile Procuratorial Integration Performance,Mingen Li;Social Governance Community:Connotation Definition,Construction Practice and Optimization Approach,Peizhang Shao;The System of Shareholders’ Capital Calls: Creation, Structure and Orientation,Zhuoran Zhang;The Legal Positioning of Rural Collective Economic Organizations: History and Value,Feiran Ji;Jurisprudence of Aggravation of the Crime of Buying Abducted Women or Children, Wenxin Dong;Research and Analysis on th Calculation Method of Punitive Damages in Food Safety Civil Public Interest Litigation,Yujie Shen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:962 下载:6 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 104 • January/February 2024
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2024年第1期(总第104期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:自信自立、开放包容、公道正义、合作共赢 王毅;中国的发展中国家外交与人类命运共同体建设 江时学;欧盟对非洲政策再调整的地缘政治转向 金玲;欧盟在中美欧互动中的多重角色与中欧关系 赵怀普;美日韩三边合作机制的建立及影响 杨延龙 张蕴岭;美国制造业回流政策:实施效果与制约因素 宫小飞 袁征。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1243 下载:5 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:1513 下载:21 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:1794 下载:66 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:2133 下载:90 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:1734 下载:25 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:2256 下载:39 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:1388 下载:6 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:4048 下载:86 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 103 • November/December 2023
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第6期(总第103期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:美国霸权护持战略的调适与中美关系的未来 赵明昊;美国“印太战略”的演进:中国的认知与战略应对 凌胜利;美欧对华“去风险”战略及对中国的影响 柯静;“新华盛顿共识”与美国经济战略的转型 李巍;拜登政府气候外交战略:动因、进展与制约因素 张玉环;全球气候治理新动向与中国应对 胡彬 董文娟。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1095 下载:4 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 4 Number 3 2023
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Justification of Income Power of the Right of Habitation-Peizhang Shao, Chenglin Zhang;Analysis of the Innovation of “1,2,3” Law Popularization Mode in the Era of Financial Media-Xi Zhang;Research on the connection mechanism under the "one-stop" dispute resolution-Miaomiao Chen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1103 下载:5 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 4 Number 4 2023
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Justification of Income Power of the Right of Habitation-Peizhang Shao, Chenglin Zhang;Analysis of the Innovation of “1,2,3” Law Popularization Mode in the Era of Financial Media-Xi Zhang;Research on the connection mechanism under the "one-stop" dispute resolution-Miaomiao Chen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1074 下载:2 -
《中美科技合作协定》于1979年签署,从那以后,这项具有重要象征意义的协定每五年续签一次,上一次是在2018年。2023年8月,美国总统拜登领导的政府决定不整体续期,只批准延期执行至2024年2月27日,以便重新谈判。据香港《南华早报》网站2024年2月27日报道,此前6个月延期的《中美科技合作协定》于2024年2月27日到期,与此同时,有关新条款和条件的谈判仍在继续。报道称,美国国务院一名发言人在2024年2月26日发给《南华早报》的一份声明中说:“国务院正代表美国政府就修改、延期和加强《美中科技合作协定》中的保护性条款进行谈判。”作者:中国-美国 阅读:2368 下载:39 -
1979年1月31日邓小平副总理访问美国时,在白宫与美国总统卡特签署了《中美科技合作协定》。这是中美建交后两国签署的首批政府间协定之一。作者:中国-美国 阅读:3506 下载:36 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 5 OCTOBER 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1260 下载:4 -
Changing Households and Government Governance
Description: Getzville, New York: William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; Great Neck, New York: Wells Information Services Inc. (USA), [2023] | Series: China law & society library. | “A publication of the HeinOnline China Law & Society Library.” | Translation of: Jiahu bianqian yu zhengfu zhili: jiyu nonghu de zhengzhi renleixue kaocha (Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she, 2019).作者:HUANG Zhenhua 阅读:1544 下载:4 -
2022年春,《法学(Law Science)》期刊(英文版)开始由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:4887 下载:0 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 2, Issue 3, Autumn 2023
2023年秋,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 2, Issue 3, Autumn 2023) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1676 下载:8 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 2, Issue 2, Summer 2023
2023年夏,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 2, Issue 2, Summer 2023) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1575 下载:8 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2023
2023年春,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2023) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1558 下载:15 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 1, Issue 4, Winter 2022
2022年冬,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 1, Issue 4, Winter 2022) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1941 下载:5 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 1, Issue 3, Autumn 2022
2022年秋,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 1, Issue 3, Autumn 2022) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1603 下载:7 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 1, Issue 2, Summer 2022
2022年夏,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 1, Issue 2, Summer 2022)已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1683 下载:14 -
Law Science(法学)– Selected Papers Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 2022
2022年春,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 2022) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:2226 下载:9 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 102 • September/October 2023
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第5期(总第102期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:中国全球伙伴关系构建的多边主义转向 陈志瑞 吴琳;中国经略上合组织:进展、战略与前景 邓浩;中国对外开放新格局与共建“一带一路”高质量发展 孙海泳;美国联盟战略:发展、调整与困境 王迎晖;拜登经济民族主义:形态、根源及影响 刘飞涛;美日在东南亚的联手拓展:战略协同与影响限度 项昊宇 鲍志鹏。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1363 下载:6 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 4 AUGUST 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1339 下载:3 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 13 • Issue 3• September 2023
社长:赵忠秀;顾问:孙振宇;主编:林桂军;编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu, Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:1942 下载:3 -
1982年8月23日第五届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过;1999年12月25日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十三次会议第一次修订;根据2013年12月28日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法〉等七部法律的决定》第一次修正;根据2016年11月7日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法〉的决定》第二次修正;根据2017年11月4日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国会计法〉等十一部法律的决定》第三次修正;2023年10月24日第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议第二次修订。作者:全国人大 阅读:2392 下载:10 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 3 JUNE 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1424 下载:5 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 2 APRIL 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1477 下载:3 -
《海洋法律与政策》2023年第1期 总第7期(半年刊)
当前,世界正经历百年未有之大变局,国际局势出现深刻复杂变化,全球治理的不稳定不确定性也愈加凸显。在目前俄乌冲突持续升级、日本核污染水强排入海、全球发展鸿沟愈发突出、大国博弈竞争加速升级的大背景下,海洋经济、海洋技术实施等方面的发展面临着诸多不确定因素,其带来的新风险与新挑战日益受到关注。在积极响应中国自由贸易港建设、推进21世纪海上丝绸之路发展的号召下,《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948,ISSN 2710-1738(online)紧扣国际法、海洋法、海商法、海事行政法律及政策等主题,以期达到交流成果,启迪智慧,紧跟学术思潮,为广大读者服务的目的。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包含日本 IAEA 福岛 ALPS 处理水报告所具疑义、美国《2022年航运改革法》的修订及其影响、海洋生物资源养护与海洋环境保护的法律关系等热点问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:2164 下载:22 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 101 • July/August 2023
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第4期(总第101期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:乘势而上:中国斡旋沙特伊朗复交及其影响 牛新春 李绍先;中印关系嬗变及出路 蓝建学;中国—东南亚共建“一带一路”高质量发展:地区经验、秩序重构与战略再定位 张洁 梁鸿;“一带一路”建设与国际经贸规则创新和完善 孔庆江;推动自主发展:全球文明倡议下中国对非洲治理援助 宋微;“全球南方”视域下的日本对非洲政策 马汉智;“印太战略”框架下印度莫迪政府的非洲政策 徐国庆。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1449 下载:6 -
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第3期(总第100期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:国际组织与中美战略竞争——演变、态势和影响 张贵洪 余姣;中国式现代化、欧洲模式与中欧关系 周弘;“时代转折”中的欧洲与中欧关系 崔洪建;论印度与美西方国家的关系:现状、动力、影响及趋势 王世达;印度对华安全困境泛化的表现、动因及其纾困政策路径 吴兆礼;欧盟经贸立法:动向、特点与对华影响 邹磊;全球金融公共品的武器化 周宇。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1552 下载:4 -
2023年9月1日,十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议表决通过《中华人民共和国外国国家豁免法》,国家主席习近平签署主席令予以公布,自2024年1月1日起施行。外国国家豁免法确立了中国的外国国家豁免制度,授权中国法院在特定情形下管辖以外国国家为被告的民事案件。这是中国统筹推进国内法治和涉外法治的又一里程碑。作者:十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议 阅读:3116 下载:19 -
2023年8月11日,中国商务部发布《美国履行世贸规则义务情况报告》,梳理美国履行世贸组织规则义务概况,并作总体评价,表达对美破坏多边贸易体制、实施单边贸易霸凌、操纵产业政策双重标准、扰乱全球产业链供应链等政策措施的关注。作者:中国商务部 阅读:2507 下载:89 -
2023年8月11日,中国商务部发布《美国履行世贸规则义务情况报告》,梳理美国履行世贸组织规则义务概况,并作总体评价,表达对美破坏多边贸易体制、实施单边贸易霸凌、操纵产业政策双重标准、扰乱全球产业链供应链等政策措施的关注。作者:中国商务部 阅读:2583 下载:6 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 99 • March/April 2023
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第2期(总第99期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:美国视中国为“主要威胁”的思想溯源和理论依据 杨洁勉;探索中美战略博弈的边界 吴心伯;欧亚地缘政治变局下的欧亚经济联盟:走势与前景 李自国;日本国家安全保障战略的调整:特点、动因及影响 孟晓旭;美国北极战略新动向及对北极治理的影响 匡增军;欧盟与印度深化合作:动因及制约因素 姜胤安;澳大利亚工党政府对华政策及其限度 宁团辉。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1652 下载:3 -
应中华人民共和国国务院总理李强邀请,所罗门群岛总理梅纳西·索加瓦雷于2023 年 7 月 9 日至 15 日对中华人民共和国进行正式访问。为进一步加强对中所关系的战略引领,双方决定建立新时代相互尊重、共同发展的全面战略伙伴关系。作者:中国政府 阅读:1658 下载:7 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 13 • Issue 2• June 2023
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀 编辑:李淑玲, 刘建昌。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:2101 下载:3 -
2023年6月28日下午,十四届全国人大常委会第三次会议表决通过了《中华人民共和国对外关系法》,国家主席习近平签署主席令予以公布,自2023年7月1日起施行。作者:全国人大 阅读:3193 下载:33 -
2023年6月28日下午,十四届全国人大常委会第三次会议表决通过了《中华人民共和国对外关系法》,国家主席习近平签署主席令予以公布,自2023年7月1日起施行。作者:全国人大 阅读:1975 下载:11 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 6 DECEMBER 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1538 下载:2 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 1 FEBRUARY 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1675 下载:4 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:1634 下载:1 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 4 Number 2 May 2023
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Justification of Income Power of the Right of Habitation-Peizhang Shao, Chenglin Zhang;Analysis of the Innovation of “1,2,3” Law Popularization Mode in the Era of Financial Media-Xi Zhang;Research on the connection mechanism under the "one-stop" dispute resolution-Miaomiao Chen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1627 下载:15 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 4 Number 1 March 2023
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:The dilemma and countermeasures of the online dispute resolution mechanism-Haixia Qin;Review Criteria for the Voluntariness of the Plea Bargaining-Xinyi Xie;The Conflict of Interest Rules: The Comparative Study for Chinese and American Lawyers’ Law-Zheng Wang。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1653 下载:9 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 3 Number 3 December 2022
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Path analysis of procedural diversion in plea cases-Shize Zhang;The Difference between the 'Knowledge and approval' Doctrine and the Undue Influence Doctrine — Why the Knowledge and Approval Doctrine is Redundant to Australian Succession Law?-Zhaodi Yu;A Study on Legal Vocabulary Translation Based on the Characteristics of Legal English Vocabulary -Lei Huang, Guowei Zhuang。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1555 下载:5 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 3 Number 2 November 2022
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:The Theory of Relative Invariance of the Age of Criminal Responsibility-Pengqing Sun;The embodiment of whole-process democracy in local legislation-Wei Zhang;Optimizing the Progression of Financial Rights Protection for the Rural Elderly-Zhixun Liu 。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1626 下载:4 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 3 Number 1 August 2022
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:The Reform of Legal Practice Teaching in the Age of Intelligent Internet-Jun Meng;On the Cognizance of the Defendant's Status in the Crime of Falsely Issuing VAT Invoices in China-Xiaoyuan Li;Liquidation liability of minority shareholders in a limited company-Ying Li。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1718 下载:3 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 2 Number 4 November 2021
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:The Dilemma and Breakthrough of Data Identification in Electronic Lawsuits-Jie Jiang;Study on Controlling Smog Pollution by the Man-machine Cooperation-Dan Wang, Xuan Qin, Xinxin Chen;Practical Issues and Optimization Ideas of China's Rural Ecological Environment Governance under the Background of "Rural Revitalization Promotion Law"-Zhao Chen, Yi Lin, Jingyi Guo。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1604 下载:4 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 2 Number 3 May 2021
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Review:Deglobalizing Rule of Law and Democracy: Hunting Down Rhetoric Through Comparative Law-Mauro Bussani。Articles:Analysis of Legal Issues Related to Debt Accession Determination-Donglin Peng;Orientation of "Law" in the General Principles of the Civil Code-Yudong Lu, Dan Li。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1799 下载:2 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 2 Number 2 March 2021
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Review:Conservative Innovation: The Ambiguities of the China International Commercial Court-Chaisse Julien, Qian Xu;An Inspection Regime for Cyber Weapons: A Challenge Too Far?-Przemysław Roguski;Coordinating UK Trade and Climate Policy Ambitions: A Legislative and Policy Analysis -Emily Lydgate, Chloe Anthony。Articles:On the Effectiveness of Real Estate Mortgage Contracts without Mortgage Registration-Donglin Peng;Challenges and Paths for Foreign-invested Enterprises to Exercise Their Rights to Participate in China’s Standard-setting System-Weiyang Lou。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1791 下载:1 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 2 Number 1 January 2021
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:On the Forms of China's Legal Work Under the New Technology Carrier-Haijuan Qin;Reflections on the Rule of Law: The Governance of Public Opinion under the Background of Intelligent Media and COVID-19-Bin Yan, Keqing Wang;An Attribution Analysis of the Soft Environment for the Deficiency of Sportsmanship Ethics-Honglei Dai, Meizi Liu;A Legal and Economic Analysis of the Allocation of Liability for Unknown Risks in the Context of Business Environment-Shuo Huang。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1867 下载:2 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 1 Number 3 November 2020
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Review:Palliation or Protection: How Should the Right to Equality Inform the Government’s Response to Covid-19?-Meghan Campbell, Sandra Fredman, Aaron Reeves;In Search of a Privacy Action Against Breaches of Physical Privacy in Hong Kong-Jojo YC Mo。Articles:Research on the Governance of Cyber Terrorism under the Construction of National Trust-Xiangtao Ma;A Probe into the Localization of the Malicious Complementary Age Rule-Zihui An;Take TOPBuzz as an Example to See the Copyright Disputes of Aggregated News Client-Qian Liu;Research on the Copyright Protection of Online Animation from the Perspective of the Internet-Yi Jiang。作者:Modern Law Research 阅读:1762 下载:1 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 1 Number 2 September 2020
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Review:Facing the Future: Facial Recognition Technology Under the Confrontation Clause-Emma Lux;If Words Can Kill, How Should Criminal Law Intervene?-Yixuan Zhang;Using the Power of "Me Too" Evidence in Criminal Sexual Assault Trials-Yixuan Zhang。Articles:A Review of the Principles and Characteristics of Legalist Thoughts in "Guanzi" Studies in Taiwan, China-Jirong Yang, Ying Jiang;Research on the Way of Obtaining Electronic Physical Evidence Based on Python—Take Windows Log Document as an Example-Shancheng Lin, Qianhao Chen;Research on Empathy Governance Path of De-radicalization-Jiwu Ma;The Current Situation and Reflection of Online Picture Infringement on E-commerce Platform-Jialian Wang。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1793 下载:2 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 1 Number 1 July 2020
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Review:Deglobalizing Rule of Law and Democracy- Hunting Down Rhetoric Through Comparative Law-Mauro Bussani。Articles:Study on Labor Right Protection and Countermeasures in Mergers and Acquisitions-Bei Xiao;Research on the Legal Risk of Securitization Bankruptcy in Aircraft Finance Lease-Zongwen Gu;Demarcation and Convergence of Investigation Powers of the China Supervision Commission-Jun Meng;Research on Social Responsibility of Internet Media Corporates from the Perspective of Law-Xinyue Lu;Research on Survival Guarantee of Natural Persons after Bankruptcy-Haijun Shen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1738 下载:3 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 98 • January/February 2023
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第1期(总第98期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:胸怀天下,勇毅前行 谱写中国特色大国外交新华章 王毅;中国周边地区双重结构性矛盾与印太联盟体系的构建 韩爱勇;东盟网络安全政策与中国—东盟合作 王睿;拜登政府太平洋岛国战略评析 陈晓晨;美国对中国科技“脱钩”的战略动机及政策措施 周琪;美国贸易政策安全化及其对世界贸易体系的影响 竺彩华;韩国深化与北约关系:动因与影响 詹德斌。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1750 下载:2 -
《海洋法律与政策》2022年第2期 总第6期(半年刊)
当前,世界正经历的百年未有之大变局,国际局势出现深刻复杂变化,全球治理的不稳定不确定性也愈加凸显。在目前俄乌冲突持续升级、全球发展鸿沟愈发突出、大国博弈竞争加速升级的大背景下,海洋经济、海洋技术实施等方面的发展面临着诸多不确定因素,其带来的新风险与新挑战日益受到关注。在积极响应中国自由贸易港建设、推进21世纪海上丝绸之路发展的号召下,《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948,ISSN 2710-1738(online)紧扣国际法、海洋法、海商法、海事行政法律及政策等主题,以期达到交流成果,启迪智慧,紧跟学术思潮,为广大读者服务的目的。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包含日本核污染水排放的国家责任、水下文化遗产的国际治理、司法保护海洋生态环境、审慎推行和扩大沿海捎带等热点问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:2129 下载:9 -
《海洋法律与政策》2022年第1期 总第5期(半年刊)
当前,百年变局和世纪疫情交织叠加,国际局势出现深刻复杂变化,世界进入新的动荡变革期,全球治理的不稳定不确定性也愈加凸显。在目前俄乌冲突持续升级、新冠肺炎疫情蔓延反复、全球发展鸿沟愈发突出、大国博弈竞争加速升级的大背景下,海洋经济、海洋技术实施等方面的发展面临着诸多不确定因素,其带来的新风险与新挑战日益受到关注。在积极响应海南自由贸易港建设、推进21世纪海上丝绸之路发展的号召下,《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948,ISSN 2710-1738(online)紧扣国际法、海洋法、海商法、海事行政法律及政策等主题,以期达到交流成果,启迪智慧,紧跟学术思潮,为广大读者服务的目的。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包含司法保护海洋生态环境、拜登政府的南海政策与南海地区的多边主义合作、防空识别区的实践与习惯国际法规则等热点问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:2340 下载:5 -
《海洋法律与政策》2021年第4期 总第4期(季刊)
当今世界正在经历百年未有之大变局,和平与发展仍是时代主题,但不稳定性与不确定性却更加突出。在目前中美贸易战、新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行、气候问题日益突出的大背景下,海洋经济、海洋技术实施等方面的发展面临着诸多不确定因素,其带来的新风险与新挑战日益受到关注。在积极响应海南自由贸易港建设、推进 21 世纪海上丝绸之路发展的号召下,《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948,ISSN 2710-1738(online)紧扣国际法、海洋法、海商法、海事行政法律及政策等主题,以期达到交流成果,启迪智慧,紧跟学术思潮,为广大读者服务的目的。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包含了中美贸易战和新冠肺炎疫情影响下的海商法、商品合同和不可抗力条款的解释与适用、欧洲航运业碳治理政策、运输合同下承运人查验提单真实的责任、蓝碳保护体系构建等热点问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:2014 下载:7 -
《海洋法律与政策》2021年第3期 总第3期(季刊)
21世纪是海洋的世纪,世界各国的目光大多聚焦在海洋资源开发、海洋经济发展和海洋技术实施上。我国不断开展海洋法治工作,以海洋发展的全局视野,提升海洋战略价值认识,加强对海洋领域的开发建设,一次次地吹响“海洋强国”的号角。在 21 世纪海上丝绸之路建设及海 南自由贸易港建设不断推进的背景下,创办《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948,ISSN 2710-1738(online),以期达到交流成果,启迪智慧,紧跟学术思潮,为广大读者服务的目的。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文涵盖了“长赐”号事件、美国联邦海事委员会“第29号事实调查”、《北京公约》之修订、海事判决的承认与执行中的法律等热点问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:2209 下载:12 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 13 • Issue 1• March 2023
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀 编辑:李淑玲, 刘建昌。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:2085 下载:7 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2292 下载:9 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:4737 下载:106 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3126 下载:56 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3552 下载:76 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3417 下载:98 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3520 下载:74 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:14594 下载:381 -
应俄罗斯联邦总统普京邀请,中华人民共和国主席习近平于2023年3月20日至22日对俄罗斯联邦进行国事访问。两国元首在莫斯科举行会谈,就中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系发展和双边务实合作重要问题深入交换意见,商定将坚定奉行相互尊重和平等互利原则,实现两国长期自主发展,推动中俄经济和贸易合作高质量发展,为全面推进双边合作注入新动力,保持两国货物和服务贸易快速发展势头,致力于2030年前将两国贸易额显著提升。作者:新华社 阅读:2940 下载:5 -
应俄罗斯联邦总统普京邀请,中华人民共和国主席习近平于2023年3月20日至22日对俄罗斯联邦进行国事访问。两国元首在莫斯科举行会谈。习近平主席还同俄罗斯联邦政府总理米舒斯京举行会见。作者:新华社 阅读:3878 下载:4 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 97 • November/December 2022
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第6期(总第97期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:全球数字治理——发展、困境与中国角色 戚凯 周祉含;印度对全球经济治理的认知及政策取向 杨文武 黎思琦;数字全球化与中美战略竞争 王栋 高丹;拜登政府“供应链韧性”战略探析 李巍 王丽;日本强化对欧安全合作的动因与前景 孙文竹;拜登政府对华经贸政策:再调整与新竞争 宋国友;澜湄水合作的守正创新与包容性次地区秩序构建 翟崑 张添。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1900 下载:3 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 96 • September/October 2022
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第5期(总第96期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:中美新时代正确相处之道 王毅 ;新形势下的中韩关系:挑战与选择 张蕴岭;全球治理的金砖模式:生成逻辑与实践路径 徐秀军;美国外交政策的危机及其根源 左希迎;大国竞争转型与北约的战略调整 李晨;欧盟“全球门户”战略及其对“一带一路”倡议的影响 吴昊 杨成玉;“印太经济框架”的动因、前景及对中国的影响 杜兰。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1925 下载:3 -
2023年2月24日,中国外交部发布《关于政治解决乌克兰危机的中国立场》文件。文件共十二条,一千三百余字。作者:中国外交部 阅读:2968 下载:9 -
2023年2月21日,中国外交部举办蓝厅论坛,发布《全球安全倡议概念文件》。制定发布《全球安全倡议概念文件》对帮助国际社会全面深入理解倡议、积极参与倡议合作,推动倡议早日落地见效具有重要意义。作者:外交部 阅读:2736 下载:11 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 5 OCTOBER 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2117 下载:4 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 4 AUGUST 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2155 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 3 JUNE 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2147 下载:0 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 2 APRIL 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2044 下载:3 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 12 • Issue 4 • December 2022
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀 编辑:李淑玲, 刘建昌。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:2384 下载:5 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:2129 下载:10 -
2022年12月9日,最高人民法院发布《关于规范和加强人工智能司法应用的意见》。《意见》进一步明确了人民法院应用人工智能技术的指导思想、总体目标、基本原则、应用范围、系统建设和综合保障等相关要求,对于加快推动人工智能同司法工作深度融合,规范司法人工智能技术应用,努力为以中国式现代化推进中华民族伟大复兴提供有力司法服务具有重要意义。作者:最高人民法院 阅读:2627 下载:9 -
2022年12月5日,中国最高人民法院发布《中国生物多样性司法保护》报告和15个生物多样性司法保护典型案例。最高法及时发布和更新涉生物多样性保护各领域司法解释,全环节、全要素、全链条打击危害陆生生物物种违法犯罪行为,明确细化破坏生态行为发生地认定规则。报告指出,作为世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,中国高度重视生物多样性保护。人民法院深入贯彻落实生物多样性保护国家战略,坚持公正司法、守正创新,用最严格制度最严密法治保护生物多样性,探索出一条具有中国特色的生物多样性司法保护道路,形成生物多样性保护的生动司法实践。作者:最高人民法院 阅读:2167 下载:5 -
外交部近日发表《新时代的中阿合作报告》,回顾中国同阿拉伯国家友好交往历史,梳理新中国成立后特别是新世纪新阶段中阿友好交往实践,展望构建中阿命运共同体的前景和方向。《报告》约1.8万字,除前言、结束语外共包括四个部分,分别是传承千年的中阿友谊、新时代的中阿关系、变局交织中继续快速发展的中阿合作、构建中阿命运共同体。作者:外交部 阅读:2384 下载:8 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF葡萄牙文版。作者:中央广播电视总台欧拉中心葡萄牙语部 阅读:2603 下载:42 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF阿拉伯文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2858 下载:37 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF德文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3590 下载:70 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF俄文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3419 下载:65 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF西班牙文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3414 下载:102 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF法文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3911 下载:71 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF英文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:21621 下载:657 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的全文译本(附新华社发布的中文版),供广大译界同仁学习交流。本文是二十大报告的PDF中文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:32044 下载:541 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 95 • July/August 2022
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第4期(总第95期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:和平、发展、自主、包容 坚定践行开放的地区主义 王毅 ;中国对中亚外交:进展、经验与未来方向 邓浩;全球安全倡议与构建周边安全新架构 韩爱勇;乌克兰危机下的世界秩序变局和发展中国家的使命担当 杨洁勉;从俄乌冲突看全球安全治理困境及出路 王林聪;欧盟对外战略转型与中欧关系重塑 金玲;欧洲大国介入印度洋:特点、动机及影响 曾祥裕。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2289 下载:3 -
近日,自然资源部海洋战略规划与经济司发布《2021年全国海水利用报告》。《报告》显示,截至2021年底,全国现有海水淡化工程144个,工程规模1856433吨/日,比2020年增加了205350吨/日。沿海核电、火电、钢铁、石化等行业海水冷却用水量稳步增长。2021年全国海水冷却用水量1775.07亿吨,比2020年增加了76.93亿吨,辽宁、山东、江苏、浙江、福建、广东年海水冷却用水量超过百亿吨。2021年新发布海水利用标准9项,包括国家标准4项、行业标准5项。我国主持制定的首个海水淡化领域ISO国际标准《海洋技术—反渗透海水淡化产品水水质—市政供水指南》正式出版。2021年,国家发展改革委、自然资源部联合印发实施《海水淡化利用发展行动计划(2021—2025年)》,对“十四五”海水淡化利用发展的主要目标和重点任务做出安排。海水淡化作为重要内容被纳入“十四五”节水型社会建设、工业绿色发展等规划以及国家鼓励的工业节水工艺、技术和装备目录(2021年)中。天津、河北、山东、江苏等沿海省市出台相关规划、计划、政策,鼓励促进当地海水淡化产业发展,海水淡化在沿海供水保障体系中的作用进一步增强。作者:自然资源部 阅读:2795 下载:11 -
央行《2022 年人民币国际化报告》(中文)
中国人民银行9月份发布的《2022年人民币国际化报告》显示,人民币国际支付份额于2021年12月提高至2.7%,超过日元成为全球第四位支付货币,2022年1月进一步提升至3.2%,创历史新高。《报告》称,下一阶段,人民银行将统筹好发展和安全,以市场驱动、企业自主选择为基础,稳慎推进人民币国际化。作者:中国人民银行 阅读:2718 下载:13 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 12 • Issue 3 • September 2022
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀 编辑:李淑玲, 刘建昌。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:2389 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 1 FEBRUARY 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2207 下载:6 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 20 Number 6 DECEMBER 2021(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2211 下载:4 -
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第3期(总第94期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:大变局、大格局、大胸怀——中美必须找到新时期正确相处之道 秦刚 ;拜登政府“印太战略”及对中国的影响 韦宗友;美英澳三边安全伙伴关系:特点、影响与前景 陈晓晨 陈弘;日本经济安全保障战略及其对中国的影响 朱海燕;韩国对中美战略博弈的认知、因应与中韩关系走向 张弛;全球发展倡议下的中国对外粮食安全合作 张帅;粮食安全的全球治理与中国参与 于宏源 何婧。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2659 下载:4 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:2146 下载:1 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 12 • Issue 2 • June 2022
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:2865 下载:2 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 93 • March/April 2022
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第2期(总第93期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:塑造中美战略竞争的新常态 吴心伯 ;美国对华全面战略竞争:本质、特点与内在紧张 王健;数字时代全球经济治理变革与中国策略 徐秀军 林凯文;后疫情时代全球经济治理的新竞争格局与中国应对 孙伊然;新时代中国参与全球经济治理:进展、挑战与努力方向 张雪;中国—东盟合作与地区秩序优化 翟崑;RCEP 在推动东亚区域合作中的作用与新课题 沈铭辉。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2613 下载:2 -
2022年春,《法学》期刊(英文版)Law Science (Volume 1) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:6796 下载:14 -
本书是国内学术界首部运用法律文化学原理解读中国宪法文化的理论作品。从文化学的宏观立场来看,古代基本法与中国近现代宪法之间存在着密切的文化关联。古代政制中的德政模式、集权结构、等级秩序以及人治机制,乃是中国宪法文化生长的基础土壤,并以文化根基的作用方式,支配和影响了宪法知识体系在近代中国的舶入过程与建构形态。该书梳理了西宪东入的时代语境以及宪法知识体系移植的历史进程,并从宪政的四个维度全面解析了中国近现代宪制在观念理解、制度设计以及实施运行上所表现出的文化特征,深刻地揭示出“宪法是一种文化”这一理论命题的当代宪政意义。 本书是由中文版经过专业翻译而成的英文译著。作者陈晓枫,宪法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授,博士生导师。作者:陈晓枫,宪法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授,博士生导师。 阅读:3371 下载:1 -
2022年5月,由中国资深翻译家、西南政法大学外语学院前院长宋雷教授担任审校,西南政法大学朱元庆、曹志建、牛奔林等专家组成的外译团队翻译的《中华人民共和国民法典》(英文版)由美国海恩公司和威尔斯公司联合出版,并作为《中华人民共和国民法典》唯一英文译本收录于国际著名法律数据库HeinOnline,供世界各地英语读者参阅,助力中国法律文化的全球传播。作者:宋雷、朱元庆、曹志建、牛奔林等 阅读:21399 下载:81 -
2022年5月5日,国家版权局在其官网推出了庆祝《马拉喀什条约》对中国正式生效的海报,并发布了“《马拉喀什条约》今日对中国生效”的要闻信息。作者:世界知识产权组织WIPO 阅读:3140 下载:3 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 12 • Issue 1 • March 2022
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:3236 下载:2 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 20 Number 5 OCTOBER 2021(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2384 下载:3 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:2677 下载:0 -
Philosophy of Criminal Law
Description: Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc. ; Great Neck, New York : Wells Information Services Inc. (USA), 2021 | Series: China law & society library. | “A publication of the HeinOnline China Law & Society Library.” | “This work is sponsored and supported by the Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences”--Title page verso. | Abridged English version of the 6th Chinese edition published in 2017 by Renmin University Press.作者:Chen Xingliang 阅读:3102 下载:3 -
A History of Chinese Constitutional Theory
Description: Getzville, New York: William S. Hein & Co., Inc. ; Great Neck, New York : Wells Information Services Inc. (USA), 2020. | Series: China law & society library. | “A publication of the HeinOnline China Law & Society Library.” | Includes bibliography. | Contents: Introduction: Contemporary mission of the studies on history of Chinese constitutional theory -- A summary of the development of Chinese constitutional theory -- Constitutional theory from late Qing Dynasty to Republic of China (ROC) era -- Constitutional theory since the founding of new China -- Evolution of the concept of human rights -- Evolution of the concept of fundamental rights -- Evolution of the concept of fundamental obligations -- Evolution of the concept of citizenship -- Evolution of the concept of constitutional governance -- Evolution of the concept of democracy -- Evolution of the concept of “republic” -- Evolution of the concept of local autonomy.作者:Han Dayuan 阅读:2585 下载:3 -
Research on Improvement of China’s Social Security System
Description: Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc. ; Great Neck, New York : Wells Information Services Inc. (USA), [2021] | Series: China law & society library. | “A publication of the HeinOnline China Law & Society Library.” | Includes bibliographical references.作者:Ding Jianding et al. 阅读:2603 下载:0 -
General Principles of Civil Law: Concrete and Abstract
Description: Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc. ; Great Neck, New York : Wells Information Services Inc. (USA), 2021 | Series: China law & society library. | At head of title: National Key Publications Publishing Planning Project in the “13th Five year Plan”; Contemporary Chinese Jurists’ Library; Cui Jianyuan’s Research of Civil Law Series. | “A publication of the HeinOnline China Law & Society Library.” | “This work is sponsored and supported by the Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences”--Title page verso.作者:Cui Jianyuan 阅读:2626 下载:1 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 92 • January/February 2022
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第1期(总第92期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:2021年中国外交:秉持天下胸怀,践行为国为民,王毅,第5页;大疫情背景下中国对外援助和国际发展合作,罗照辉,第25页;伙伴关系再升级:东盟关切、中国责任与地区秩序,魏玲,第36页;欧美对华政策协调及其局限,严少华,第65页;英国脱欧对欧美关系的影响,张蓓,第87页;“价值观外交”:德国新政府的外交基轴?熊炜,姜昊,第114页;美式小多边主义与美国重塑全球经贸体系,沈伟,胡耀辉,第138页。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2701 下载:8 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院同步完成了十三届全国人大五次会议、全国政协十三届五次会议共五个文件的外文译本,并根据大会审议通过的报告修订版完成了对3月5日外文译稿的修改和审定工作。现发布国家发展和改革委员会《关于2021年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2022年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》西班牙文版,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2535 下载:6 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院同步完成了十三届全国人大五次会议、全国政协十三届五次会议共五个文件的外文译本,并根据大会审议通过的报告修订版完成了对3月5日外文译稿的修改和审定工作。现发布国家发展和改革委员会《关于2021年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2022年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》日文版,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2928 下载:10 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院同步完成了十三届全国人大五次会议、全国政协十三届五次会议共五个文件的外文译本,并根据大会审议通过的报告修订版完成了对3月5日外文译稿的修改和审定工作。现发布国家发展和改革委员会《关于2021年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2022年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》法文版,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2604 下载:11 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院同步完成了十三届全国人大五次会议、全国政协十三届五次会议共五个文件的外文译本,并根据大会审议通过的报告修订版完成了对3月5日外文译稿的修改和审定工作。现发布国家发展和改革委员会《关于2021年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2022年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》俄文版,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2533 下载:4 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院同步完成了十三届全国人大五次会议、全国政协十三届五次会议共五个文件的外文译本,并根据大会审议通过的报告修订版完成了对3月5日外文译稿的修改和审定工作。现发布国家发展和改革委员会《关于2021年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2022年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》英文版,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3723 下载:16 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 20 Number 4 AUGUST 2021(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2943 下载:4 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:2525 下载:1 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 91 • November/December 2021
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2021年第6期(总第91期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:发展互鉴——构建中拉新型交流合作关系,郭存海,第5页;俄罗斯对欧政策调整:内涵及影响因素,赵隆,第45页;“印太”视角下印度与东盟关系,宁胜男,第73页;政党政治与澳大利亚对华政策的转变,宁团辉,第119页。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2771 下载:6 -
1月27日,美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)宣称出于国家安全考虑将中国联通美洲公司列入违规名单,终止其在美国的经营授权。作者:美国联邦通信委员会 阅读:2894 下载:2 -
经过三次审议,2021年8月20日,十三届全国人大常委会第三十次会议表决通过了《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》,该法于2021年11月1日起开始施行。作者:全国人大 阅读:5002 下载:6 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 11 • Issue 4 • December 2021
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:3548 下载:8 -
Collection of Chinese Intellectual Property Litigation Cases
This book features a large number of typical cases handled by the KWM IP litigation team from 2013 to 2020, many of which were selected as "Top 10 IP Cases" and "Top 50 Typical IP Cases of the Year in Chinese Courts" by the Supreme People's Court, or "Typical IP Cases of the Year" and "Innovative IP Cases of the Year" by local courts. The judgments made by courts across the country in these cases reflect the judicial philosophy and implementation standards of such courts in the fields of copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets, layout-design of integrated circuits, monopoly and competition in recent years. Some judgments have great significance for China's IP legal practice and IP protection. Most of the authors of this book are lawyers who have represented clients in such relevant cases. Relying on their expertise and strength, these lawyers successfully defended the legitimate rights and interests of rights holders by effectively collecting and using the evidence, and contributed to the innovation and improvement of adjudication rules in the cases.作者:King & Wood Mallesons 阅读:2594 下载:0 -
国务院新闻办公室12月29日发布《中国的出口管制》白皮书。这是中国首次发布出口管制的白皮书,旨在全面介绍中国完善出口管制治理的立场、制度和实践,阐述中国维护世界和平与发展,维护国家安全和国际安全的主张和行动。作者:国务院新闻办公室 阅读:3323 下载:3 -
中国人权研究会2021年12月23日发布《美式民主的局限与弊病》研究报告。报告揭示出美国以选举为核心的票决民主难以支撑起完整意义上的民主政治,绝非现代民主政治的理想方案。作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:3397 下载:4 -
《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》将于2022年1月1日正式生效。目前,中国国内实施的各项准备工作已经就绪。作者:商务部官网 阅读:4428 下载:150 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 90 • September/October 2021
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2021年第5期(总第90期)。目录:新时代中国国际战略探析,赵可金,第5页;大变局下的中国与国际发展合作,魏玲,第30页;全球治理趋向扁平,秦亚青,第60页。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2810 下载:3 -
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2021年第3期(总第88期)。目录:致力于实现“不让一个人落下”的伟大目标——对联合国领导国际社会消除贫困工作的思考和建议,徐步,第5页;全球数字治理:挑战与应对, 蔡翠红 王远志,第20页。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2569 下载:3 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 87 • March/April 2021
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2021年第2期(总第87期)。目录:中国外交 拜登执政与中美战略竞争走向,吴心伯,第5页;现行国际秩序演变的方向与中国的选择,达巍,第24页 ;新时代中国国际秩序观:认知、政策取向与实现路径,石斌, 第39页。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2489 下载:4 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 20 Number 3 JUNE 2021(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2717 下载:3 -
《海洋法律与政策》 2021年第2期 总第2期(季刊)
《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948, ISSN 2710-1738 (online), 是海南大学国际海洋法律与争端解决研究中心(HNU-CISLDS)结合大中华地区其他七家兄弟院校 在香港合作创办的学术季刊。本刊的目的在于支持 21 世纪海上丝绸之路的宏大愿景,服务中国 (海南)自由贸易港的具体建设工作。这一平台希望能发挥纠合同志,引入智慧,交流经验与 创新构想的功能,以为公私领域内的读者们服务。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包括了自贸港建设中的涉海问题、国际海事组织、海洋 环境保护以及渔民权益保障等公私海洋法律问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:3096 下载:6 -
《海洋法律与政策》 2021年第1期 总第1期(季刊)
本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包括了海洋政策与公私海洋法律的几个重大新问题热点。特别是来自香港与台湾的学者专家,分别针对港台地区港口管理,进行了田野调查,发表了他们的研究报告,对于建设海南自由港以及推进21世纪海上丝绸之路的建设,有着特殊重要的意义。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:3235 下载:11 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3305 下载:10 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3027 下载:0 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2939 下载:21 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2805 下载:16 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2917 下载:20 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2688 下载:6 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:7322 下载:93 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 89 • July/August 2021
<中国国际问题研究>英文版双月刊 英文·双月刊 2020年第1期(总第80期) 顾 问:唐家璇 李肇星 编委会主任委员:戚振宏 编委会副主任委员:阮宗泽 徐 坚 编委会委员:(以姓氏拼音字母为序) 董漫远 郭宪纲 刘江永 戚振宏 秦亚青 荣 鹰 阮宗泽 石 泽 苏 格 王缉思 邢广程 徐 坚 杨洁勉 元 简 周 弘 [英国] 肖恩·布思林 [俄罗斯] 亚历山大·卢金 [美国] 迈克尔·史文 主 编:阮宗泽 执行编辑:姜志达 吴劭杰 文字编辑:William Jones Benjamin Green 主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部 主办单位:中国国际问题研究院 出版单位:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 地 址:北京东城区台基厂头条3号 邮政编码:100005 联系电话:010-85119538 电子邮箱:gyzz@ciis.org.cn 期刊网站:www.ciis.org.cn/gyzz 国内订阅:全国各地邮局 国内代号:80-477 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4946 国际标准连续出版物号:lSSN 1673-3258 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5344/D作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1986 下载:3 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 85 • November /December 2020
<中国国际问题研究>英文版双月刊 英文·双月刊 2020年第6期(总第85期) 顾 问:唐家璇 李肇星 编委会主任委员:戚振宏 编委会副主任委员:阮宗泽 徐 坚 编委会委员:(以姓氏拼音字母为序) 董漫远 郭宪纲 刘江永 戚振宏 秦亚青 荣 鹰 阮宗泽 石 泽 苏 格 王缉思 邢广程 徐 坚 杨洁勉 元 简 周 弘 [英国] 肖恩·布思林 [俄罗斯] 亚历山大·卢金 [美国] 迈克尔·史文 主 编:阮宗泽 执行编辑:姜志达 吴劭杰 文字编辑:William Jones Benjamin Green 主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部 主办单位:中国国际问题研究院 出版单位:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 地 址:北京东城区台基厂头条3号 邮政编码:100005 联系电话:010-85119538 电子邮箱:gyzz@ciis.org.cn 期刊网站:www.ciis.org.cn/gyzz 国内订阅:全国各地邮局 国内代号:80-477 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4946 国际标准连续出版物号:lSSN 1673-3258 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5344/D作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2890 下载:0 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS VOL. 19 NO. 4 August 2020(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3504 下载:4 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 84 • September/October 2020
<中国国际问题研究>英文版双月刊 英文·双月刊 2020年第1期(总第80期) 顾 问:唐家璇 李肇星 编委会主任委员:戚振宏 编委会副主任委员:阮宗泽 徐 坚 编委会委员:(以姓氏拼音字母为序) 董漫远 郭宪纲 刘江永 戚振宏 秦亚青 荣 鹰 阮宗泽 石 泽 苏 格 王缉思 邢广程 徐 坚 杨洁勉 元 简 周 弘 [英国] 肖恩·布思林 [俄罗斯] 亚历山大·卢金 [美国] 迈克尔·史文 主 编:阮宗泽 执行编辑:姜志达 吴劭杰 文字编辑:William Jones Benjamin Green 主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部 主办单位:中国国际问题研究院 出版单位:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 地 址:北京东城区台基厂头条3号 邮政编码:100005 联系电话:010-85119538 电子邮箱:gyzz@ciis.org.cn 期刊网站:www.ciis.org.cn/gyzz 国内订阅:全国各地邮局 国内代号:80-477 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4946 国际标准连续出版物号:lSSN 1673-3258 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5344/D作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:3324 下载:2 -
We are pleased to announce the inaugural issue of The Foundation for Law and International Affairs Review (FLIA Review) (ISSN: 2576-6619). FLIA Review is a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by the Foundation for Law and International Affairs. The purpose of this journal is to provide members of the legal profession and the general public with high-quality articles, essays, and book reviews by individual authors or co-authors and reports and surveys by scholars and professionals at the intersection of law and international affairs. It seeks to create a new, transnational model for the production and dissemination of scholarship at the intersection of law and international affairs. The initial issue of FLIA Review is the culmination of a three year-long planning and implementation process. It demonstrates FLIA’s continues desire and efforts to help scholars and professionals who wish to get involved in global scholarships and contribute to global governance. FLIA Review is now accepting submissions for its forthcoming issues. Please feel free to contact us at fliareview@flia.org should you have any questions or check out our website https://flia.org/flia-review/ for more information.作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:4120 下载:3 -
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3438 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS VOL. 19 NO. 2 April 2020(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3766 下载:4 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 82 • March/April 2020
<中国国际问题研究>英文版双月刊 英文·双月刊 2020年第1期(总第80期) 顾 问:唐家璇 李肇星 编委会主任委员:戚振宏 编委会副主任委员:阮宗泽 徐 坚 编委会委员:(以姓氏拼音字母为序) 董漫远 郭宪纲 刘江永 戚振宏 秦亚青 荣 鹰 阮宗泽 石 泽 苏 格 王缉思 邢广程 徐 坚 杨洁勉 元 简 周 弘 [英国] 肖恩·布思林 [俄罗斯] 亚历山大·卢金 [美国] 迈克尔·史文 主 编:阮宗泽 执行编辑:姜志达 吴劭杰 文字编辑:William Jones Benjamin Green 主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部 主办单位:中国国际问题研究院 出版单位:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 地 址:北京东城区台基厂头条3号 邮政编码:100005 联系电话:010-85119538 电子邮箱:gyzz@ciis.org.cn 期刊网站:www.ciis.org.cn/gyzz 国内订阅:全国各地邮局 国内代号:80-477 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4946 国际标准连续出版物号:lSSN 1673-3258 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5344/D作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:3457 下载:10 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS VOL. 19 NO. 1 February 2020(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3146 下载:2 -
We are pleased to announce the inaugural issue of The Foundation for Law and International Affairs Review (FLIA Review) (ISSN: 2576-6619). FLIA Review is a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by the Foundation for Law and International Affairs. The purpose of this journal is to provide members of the legal profession and the general public with high-quality articles, essays, and book reviews by individual authors or co-authors and reports and surveys by scholars and professionals at the intersection of law and international affairs. It seeks to create a new, transnational model for the production and dissemination of scholarship at the intersection of law and international affairs. The initial issue of FLIA Review is the culmination of a three year-long planning and implementation process. It demonstrates FLIA’s continues desire and efforts to help scholars and professionals who wish to get involved in global scholarships and contribute to global governance. FLIA Review is now accepting submissions for its forthcoming issues. Please feel free to contact us at fliareview@flia.org should you have any questions or check out our website https://flia.org/flia-review/ for more information.作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:4380 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS VOL. 18 NO. 6 December 2019(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3055 下载:1 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS VOL. 18 NO. 5 October 2019(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3621 下载:4 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 80 • January/February 2020
<中国国际问题研究>英文版双月刊 英文·双月刊 2020年第1期(总第80期) 顾 问:唐家璇 李肇星 编委会主任委员:戚振宏 编委会副主任委员:阮宗泽 徐 坚 编委会委员:(以姓氏拼音字母为序) 董漫远 郭宪纲 刘江永 戚振宏 秦亚青 荣 鹰 阮宗泽 石 泽 苏 格 王缉思 邢广程 徐 坚 杨洁勉 元 简 周 弘 [英国] 肖恩·布思林 [俄罗斯] 亚历山大·卢金 [美国] 迈克尔·史文 主 编:阮宗泽 执行编辑:姜志达 吴劭杰 文字编辑:William Jones Benjamin Green 主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部 主办单位:中国国际问题研究院 出版单位:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 地 址:北京东城区台基厂头条3号 邮政编码:100005 联系电话:010-85119538 电子邮箱:gyzz@ciis.org.cn 期刊网站:www.ciis.org.cn/gyzz 国内订阅:全国各地邮局 国内代号:80-477 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4946 国际标准连续出版物号:lSSN 1673-3258 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5344/D作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:4208 下载:10 -
Qu Guangqing(屈广清): Study of Conflict and Application of Maritime Laws
Contents Chapter 1 Overview Section 1 Regulating Methods of Private International Maritime Law Section 2 Sources and Contemporary Development of Private International Maritime Law Chapter 2 Research on Maritime Real Right Section 1 Ship Ownership Section 2 Ship Mortgage Section 3 Maritime Lien Section 4 Possessory Lien on Ship Section 5 Other Real Rights of Ship Chapter 3 Research on Maritime Contracts Section 1 Contract for Carriage of Goods by Sea Section 2 Marine Insurance Contract Chapter 4 Research on Maritime Torts Section 1 Ship Collision Section 2 Oil Pollution from Ships Section 3 Loss of Life or Personal Injury at Sea Section 4 Other Maritime Torts Chapter 5 Research on Salvage at Sea and General Average Section 1 Salvage at Sea Section 2 General Average Chapter 6 Research on the Limitation of Liability for Foreign-Related Maritime Claims Section 1 Conflict of Laws Section 2 Application of Law Chapter 7 Practical Questions of the Private International Maritime Law in China after the Implementation of the Law on the Application of Law to Foreign-Related Civil Relations and Countermeasures Section 1 Practice of the Private International Maritime Law in China after the Implementation of the Law on the Application of Law to Foreign-Related Civil Relations Section 2 Questions of the Private International Maritime Law in China after the Implementation of the Law on the Application of Law to Foreign-Related Civil Relations and Countermeasures Afterword作者:Qu Guangqing 阅读:3811 下载:0 -
He Jiong(贺炯): The Protection of the Communication Right Concerning Internet Service Provider’s Infringement Under Chinese Copyright Law
Summary Communication right is a form of copyright to regulate the communication of works, performances, and phonograms on an interactive on-demand basis by wire or wireless means. China has introduced its 2006 Network Regulations to protect communication right from the Internet Service Provider (ISP)’s infringement, with regard to ISP’s each functional role as content provider and non-content provider of access provider, host provider, and information location tool provider. This thesis will examine whether the Chinese protection of the communication right concerning ISP’s infringement is adequate to permit effective action against any infringement of the right, according to the WIPO Internet Treaties-standard. The method employed in this book is to analyse the protection of the communication right with respect to five closely interrelated key issues that require elucidation in sequence, which are the framework of the right, the reproduction during the communication, the technical protection, the rules of limitations and exceptions, and the enforcement of the right. During each analysis, the relevant provisions of both the WIPO Internet Treaties and Chinese Copyright Law will be analysed. Afterwards, a comparison between the relevant provisions will be made to examine whether the Chinese protection satisfies the minimum standard of the WIPO Internet Treaties. As the WIPO Internet Treaties do not define the extent of the concrete protection at a national level, a further analysis, which is based upon the study of the Chinese legal practice, will be made to examine whether the Chinese protection is adequate to permit effective action against ISP’s act of infringement of the right. After the analysis and comparison, this thesis will assert that the protection of the communication right concerning ISP’s infringement under Chinese Copyright Law still remains inadequate, due to the legislative disadvantages within the three-level copyright system. This thesis will identify those disadvantages, with respect to ISP’s different functional roles, and make a concrete proposal for legislative reform.作者:He Jiong 阅读:7728 下载:0 -
A History of the Modernization of Chinese Journalism
The period of the Beijing Government reign (a duration spanning from 1916 to 1928, commonly referred to as the Beiyang Government phase in the mainland China) is an interval during which China transitioned from a traditional society into a modern one, and this period assumes a role of paramount importance that bridges the past and the future. Characterized by the juxtaposition of complicated political rivalry and constantly mutating circumstances, this phase bred vibrant media and vigorous reporters. Previous researches into this phase are chiefly centered upon criticizing and exposing how the Beiyang Government had oppressed the journalism industry and persecuted reporters; however, the media environment then was indeed loose and tolerant at large, and the media progressed at a comparatively rapid speed. In fact, with respect to this particular period of history, relatively objective and positive evaluations have been produced across fields of study. For instance, the economic history acknowledges the feat as manifested in the development of national economy at a high speed in this duration while the legal and political histories recognize the efforts and attempts made for the sake of the formation of a modern Chinese judicial system and democracy as witnessed by this period. Likewise, in the developmental course of our journalism, it is indicated by a multitude of signs that this period concerned is another golden era for the progression of media, as illustrated by the concurrent emergence of modernized newspaper office buildings in China, the application of presses with high-speed rotation and the employment of telegraphs and telephones as the crucial means of news communication. In the meantime, this golden era for media development is also evidenced by such transformations: the conventional commercial news industry initiated the reform by adopting the modern corporate system; the internal institutional configuration, personnel and welfare systems began to emerge that were in conformity with the operation of modern media; the revenues gained through distribution and advertising became a vital economic source of the newspapers and journals; press interviewing started to be taken on the soil of foreign lands and the interviewing and editing were increasingly vi A History of the Modernization of Chinese Journalism in compliance with the requirements of modern journalism; theories of journalism being developed continually, not only the western theories were imported into China through translation, the Chinese community of journalism also conducted theoretical self-reflection upon itself. Furthermore, inspirational and encouraging newspaper groups began to appear; new ideas were in circulation in that the capitalist enlightenment ideas championing democracy and liberty as well as the socialist advocacy for nation redemption were featured prominently in newspapers and journals. Moreover, the journals dedicated to the “intellectuals commenting upon politics”, which were tinted with intense Chinese characters, began to signal their approaching the glamour of maturation gradually. All the above-mentioned clues indicate that this phase is indeed a period of vital importance over which the Chinese journalism strode towards modernization. Therefore, systematic study on this period has important historical value and practical significance.作者:Wang Runze (王润泽) 阅读:4098 下载:0 -
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:China Society for Human Rights Studies 阅读:4338 下载:6 -
Law of Real Rights
Mr. Wang Liming is Vice President of Remin University of China. He also serves as Professor and Doctoral Advisor, while additionally assuming the posts of Member and Convenor of the Legal Science Appraisal Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, Managing Director of the China Law Society, President of the Civil Law Research Society of the China Law Society, Deputy to the National People’s Congress of the 9th, the 10th and the 11th Sessions, Committee Member of the Financial and Economic Committee of the 9th Session of the National People’s Congress, Committee Member of the Law Committee of the 10th Session of the National People’s Congress, Committee Member of the Law Committee of the 11th Session of the National People’s Congress, Committee Member of the Humanistic and Social Science Committee of the Ministry of Education, Vice Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee for Law Science of the National Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Vice Director of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Counsel to the Supreme People’s Court, Expert Consultant to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Counsel to the Ministry of Public Security, Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Construction, Member of the Beijing Expert Group, Expert Consultant to the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Advisor to the Government of Fujian Province and Vice Director of the Beijing Arbitration Commission. As one of the most established scholars on Chinese civil and commercial law, Professor Wang has published many books and articles in Chinese and other languages. Prior to this work, the English language edition of his Contract Law of China was also co-published by W.S.Hein and Wells Information Services Inc. in 2016.作者:Wang Liming(王利明) 阅读:4762 下载:7 -
Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies-Selected Papers, Volume 1, 2019
Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies (JBOS) is the first multidisciplinary peer-viewed academic journal that specializes in national boundary and ocean studies. Under the sponsorship of Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights, JBOS Chinese version is published bimonthy. This is the journal's first collectiion of selected papers published in English作者:Hu Dekun-Chief Editor (主编:胡德坤) 阅读:3404 下载:0 -
Contract Law of China
Chinese Features of the Contract Law On March 15, 1999, the 2nd Session of the 9th National People’s Congress enacted the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, manifesting thereby not only the gradual consummation of the Contract Law, but also signifying that China’s civil legislation had entered a phase of systemic maturity. The formulation and gazetting of the Contract Law have served an instrumental function in preserving the legal market order and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of parties to transactions, while providing an important guarantee for trade development and market prosperity. The official gazetting of this law ended the former regime wherein the Contract Law was divided into a tripartite division of forms, to wit the Economic Contract Law, the Foreign Economic Law, and the Technology Contract Law. By prescribing a more complete set of contract law provisions of it significantly filled the gaps in contract law legislation that had for so long persisted, and eradicated the phenomena of repetition, lack of coordination, and even contradictions arising from and between multiple contract law enactments, while ameliorating their dispersed and disorderly condition by consummating the Contract Law and its unity and systematization, in particular. In general, the Contract Law functions in the following important ways.作者:Wang Liming(王利明) 阅读:4728 下载:12 -
Law and Economics: Application and Solution in China
Aiming for application and solution of the Law and Economics in China, this book throws light upon theoretical paradigm and analytical framework of the Law and Economics; applies the Law and Economics to all department laws and the rule of law such as legislations, justice, law enforcement and legalization; and finally proposes valuable and constructive policy suggestion. Integrating traditional normative jurisprudence and economics with a focus on empirical analysis, this book pictures a panorama of China-based Law and Economics research and lays a solid foundation for the futher development of Chinese Law and Economics.作者:Feng Yujun (冯玉军) 阅读:4247 下载:1 -
PREFACE China’s Rule of Law Index is a result of the co-researches of the “Innovation of Evaluation of the Rule of Law in China and its Generalization and Implementation” supported by the Major Issues of the National Social Science Foundation and the “Fundamental Theories of the Evaluation of the Rule of Law” supported by the Major Issues of Beijing Federation of Social Science Circles and Major Issues of Renmin University of China Development Report. The National Academy of Development and Strategy of Renmin University also contributed to this research. The Evaluation Center of the Rule of Law of Renmin University of China was approved by the China Law Society as the latter’s research base in early 2016. The Politics and Law Committee of the CCP Central Committee decided to appoint the center to execute its 2016 Project Research concerning “The Evaluation System and Mechanism of the Situation of the Rule of Law of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.” All the parties mentioned above have supported, encouraged, and confirmed this research. This index is derived from the series of Report on China Law Development. This report is annually compiled and includes 2007 Report on China Law Development: Database and Index,1 2010 Report on China Law Development: 60 Years of China Legislation,2 2011 Report on China Law Development: Towards a Pluralistic Implementation of Law,3 2012 Report on China Law Development: Professionalization of China Law Practitioners,4 2013 Report on China Law Development: Legal Education and Research,5 and 2014 Report on China Law Development: Construct Government of the Rule of Law.6 All these reports were based on objective statistics concerning specific areas. These reports aim to arrange the statistics according to a certain system of indicators. China’s Rule of Law Index is also a 2015 Report.7 This index is unique as it is based on a subjective evaluation where all the statistics are derived from a first-hand questionnaire survey conducted in late 2015. This index is the first subjective evaluation of the rule of law in China, reflecting various strands of the development of the rule of law. 1 (Report on China Law Development: Database and Indicators), Renmin University of China Press, 2007. 2 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2010: China Lawmaking 60 Years), Renmin University of China Press, 2011. 3 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2011:Law-Enforcing Towards Pluralism), Renmin University of China Press, 2012 4 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2012: Professionalization of China’s Legal Workers), Renmin University of China Press, 2013 5 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2013: Legal Education and Research), Renmin University of China Press, 2014. 6 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2014: Construction of Legal Government), Renmin University of China Press, 2015. 7 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2015: China Indicators of the Rule of Law), Report on China Law Development: China Indicators of the Rule of Law, (zhongguo falvfazhan baogao 2015: zhongguo fazhi pinggu zhibiao) Renmin University of China Press, 2016. x CHINA’S RULE OF LAW INDEX The Evaluation Center for the Rule of Law of Renmin University of China is responsible for drafting this report. The division of labor is as follows: 1. General Framework Designers Indicator design: ZHU Jingwen (professor at Renmin University of China Law School and director at the Evaluation Center for the Rule of Law); Questionnaire design and statistic counting: RAN Jingfu (associate researcher at the Institute of Law of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences); Questionnaire survey: WANG Weidong (deputy director at National Survey Research Center of Renmin University of China and associate professor at Renmin University of China, Ph.D. in sociology) 2. Drafting Team Members Introduction: ZHU Jingwen Chapter 1 Legal Norm System by FENG Yujun (professor at Renmin University of China Law School, Ph.D. in law); Chapter 2 Enforcement System of the Rule of Law by RAN Jingfu (project leader, 2.2 Indicators of Judicial Enforcement); MENG Tao (associate professor at Renmin University of China Law School, Ph.D. in law, 2.1 Indicators of Executive Enforcement); PENG Xiaolong (associate professor at Renmin University of China Law School, Ph.D. in law, executive director at Multiform Dispute Resolution Center of Renmin University of China, 2.3 Indicators of Social Governance); Chapter 3 Supervision System of the Rule of Law by MENG Tao (project leader, 3.2 Indicators of Executive Supervision); FENG Yujun (3.1 Indicators of Document Supervision); RAN Jingfu (3.3 Indicators of Judicial Supervision); Chapter 4 Safeguard System of the Rule of Law by PENG Xiaolong (project leader, 4.2 Indicators of Financial Safeguard); RAN Jingfu (4.1 Indicators of the Personnel Safeguard); LIU Kunlun (associate professor at China University of Political Science and Law, Ph.D. in law, executive director at Research Center of Legal Education, 4.3 Legal Education and the Popularization of Law); Chapter 5 CCP’s Rules and Regulations by WANG Lifeng (professor at the Department of Politics and Law of Party School of the Central Committee of CCP, Ph.D. in law); Chapter 6 Effectiveness System of the Rule of Law by ZHU Jingwen (project leader); WANG Lifeng (6.1 Indicators of Power Control); YE Chuanxing (associate professor at Renmin University of China Law School, Ph.D. in law, deputy director at the Human Rights Center of Renmin University of China, 6.2 Indicators of Human Rights); SHI Yan’an (professor at Renmin University of China, Ph.D. in law, executive director at Research Center for Criminal Justice of Renmin University of China, 6.3.1 Community Security, 6.3.2 Social Order); PENG Xiaolong (6.3.3 Dispute Resolution Mechanism); LIU Kunlun (6.4 Notions of the Rule of Law) Conclusion: ZHU Jingwen Editor-in-Chief: ZHU Jingwen ZHU Jingwen March 2016 at Shi Ji Cheng, Beijing作者:Zhu Jingwen (Chief Editor) 主编:朱景文 阅读:5156 下载:2 -
Silent Changes: Transsexuals' Right to Marry in China's Mainland and Hong Kong
In comparison to the arduous process of rights advocacy in Hong Kong, transsexuals in China’s mainland achieved their right to marry via some “silent changes”: there was no legal activism from transsexual communities, no debates or hearings in the legislature, and no landmark judgments made by the judiciary. From a perspective of comparative law, this article attempts to analyze the legal changes regarding transsexuals’ right to marry in China’s mainland in light of the struggles in Hong Kong. It endeavors to discuss to what extent the seemingly “smooth” and “unintended” way of opening up marriage to transsexuals in China’s mainland could be beneficial to trans rights and equality in general.作者:郭晓飞、朱静姝 阅读:4837 下载:1 -
The Realities of Law Are the Winning Narratives
This article begins explaining the Aristotelian reduction of rhetoric to persuasion, which came to determine Western tradition until modern times. To understand Aristotle’s methodology the author then wants to discuss the concept of enthymeme, the “rhetorical syllogism,” in Aristotle’s own words. In order to try a realistic critique on the Aristotelian rhetoric, more adequate to a rhetoric of modern law, the author will suggest three epistemological points of departure, three theses, and the three levels of rhetoric that support them.作者:João Maurício Adeodato 阅读:3760 下载:1 -
Rethinking Inclusion: Is There a Right to Inclusive Education?
By combining theories of education, human rights law, and political philosophy, the author provides lenses to understanding inclusive education, thereby establishing consensus on the new, cognitive grounds over the description of a better inclusive education system for all children. The investigation is guided by two research questions. The first question concerns what description we should hold for a better education system inclusive of disabled children. The second addresses how to arrive at a consensus over that better system among stakeholders and within the whole society. To answer these questions, the investigation is conducted through both transcendental and comparative routes. Firstly, to contextualize this research, a brief review of theoretical disagreements on inclusive education is provided, and a case study of China’s struggles towards inclusion is presented. The theoretical review and the case study provide concrete information for later assessment and comparison between reality and the ideal plan. Meanwhile, the author discusses ways to go beyond binary thoughts and disorganized practice. To achieve the goal, transcendental thought experiments are employed to generate new grounds for a more comprehensive, inclusive project; the idea of a right to inclusive education is elaborated.作者:倪震 阅读:4321 下载:2 -
Research on Theory, Legislations and Practices about Regulating Non-practicing Entities in China
Non-Practicing Entities (NPE), as a subject, is a neutral concept, but the derogatory sense of translation and understanding on this concept and the chaos of understanding make the legal regulation of NPE encounter more difficulties and challenges. In fact, NPE issues are concerned, discussed and researched in China within quite a long period, however, it would not become an outstanding legal issue nowadays. NPE as a market entity, its existence is legitimate per se, and what the law should focus on is the unfair conduct that NPE might be engaged in rather than the subject of NPE itself. It is not necessary to make specific articles and provisions on the subject of NPE at present in the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the PRC which are revised in China, and a serial of rules and guidelines for Anti-Monopoly Law of the PRC which are formulated in China. It proved that the unfair conducts of NPE should be regulated according to Patent law, Anti-Unfair Competition Law and Anti-Monopoly Law as well as, reconfirmed that the conclusion that the regulation of NPE in China laws focus on conducts rather than subject in a serial of cases such as the anti-monopoly investigation case against INTERDIGITAL Corporation initiated by the National Development and Reform Commission, the case that the Ministry of Commerce imposed restrictive conditions to approve that Microsoft acquired Nokia equipment and service business, and the commercial defamation case that Shenzhen Libang Precision Instrument Co., Ltd vs Shenzhen Mairui Biological Medical Electronic Co., Ltd which was reviewed by the Supreme People’s Court.作者:孟雁北 阅读:5703 下载:12 -
Rule for Preferred Stock in China: Overthrow of the Principle of "Equal Shares, Equal Rights"?
The principle of “equal shares, equal rights” was established by the Company Law of 1993 of the People’s Republic of China. At the initial stage only issuance of common stocks was allowed and the issuance of preferred stocks was interpreted as prohibited. The Company Law of 2006 has changed the rigidity of provisions of the Company Law of 1993 and laid down the legal foundation for issuance of preferred stock. The Rule for Administration of the Pilot Project for Preferred Stocks released on March 21, 2014 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission started the issuance of the preferred stocks in the Chinese capital market. The establishment of the legal system for issuance of preferred stock in China is not the symbol of overthrowing the principle of “equal shares, equal rights,” but the expansion and development of the principle of “equal shares, equal rights” in a new era.作者:徐冬根 阅读:4527 下载:0 -
Confidential Geodata Protection in China: Challenges, Liability Concerns and Possible Solutions
In recent years, a growing number of foreign companies and individuals were involved in geodata violations in China. The Chinese government is facing greater pressure to protect confidential geodata within its territory. Geodata violations occurred in the course of illegal mapping and surveying, geographical and geological data collection and transactions. Although China has reformed laws and regulations to refine some aspects of confidential geodata management, existing rules remain ambiguous and controversial. This article aims to address the liability concerns raised among foreign companies from geodata violations. After defining the three most significant concepts, geological data, mapping and surveying, and state secrets, this article reviews the status quo, reasons for and impacts of geodata violations in China, to find out how big the problem is and why it matters. It then explores the legislative framework of state secrets protection in the context of geodata management; special focus is put on liability issues and problems of the current system. As a response to existing arguments, possible ways to improve confidential geodata protection and some practical tips for foreign businesses are offered.作者:赵小波 阅读:4444 下载:2 -
Free Trade and Cultural Diversity in International Law
This book attempts to reconcile the concept of free trade with a key non-trade social value - cultural diversity - in an era of economic globalisation. It first shows how we can look at culture in many different ways, and explains why we should care about cultural diversity. The book then examines the challenges that policymakers are faced with in formulating cultural measures in the new media environment, and analyses UNESCO's theories and approaches to cultural diversity. This is followed by a comprehensive examination of the treatment of 'culture' in global and regional trade agreements, including the framework of the GATT/WTO system, the WTO's judicial practice involving cultural products, and the treatment of culture under the EC/EU and NAFTA. This identifies the challenges trade norms encounter in dealing with cultural products. The author seeks to formulate a balanced view of the challenge of protecting and promoting cultural diversity while also recognising the important goal of trade liberalisation. To this end Professor Shi proposes a dual method through which the norms found in WTO agreements and in UNESCO cultural instruments may be brought into alignment: the first highlighting the compatibility of cultural policy measures with trade obligations on a domestic level, the second suggesting potential linkages between the WTO rules and the UNESCO Convention from the perspectives of treaty interpretation.作者:石静霞 阅读:5914 下载:31
前言之后,本书共13章。第一章介绍当今世界格局,以中国崛起如何改变世界格局为线索。第二章探讨中国走向世界的总体思路。第三章介绍中国的“一带一路倡议”,它是中国走向世界的重要思想和政策框架。前三章是综述性的章节。第四章开始,本书用十个章节讨论美国(第四章)、东亚(第五章)、东南亚(第六、七章)、欧亚大陆(第八章)、南亚和西亚(第九、十章)、欧洲(第十一章)、大洋洲、非洲、拉丁美洲(第十二章)。最后,第十三章将讨论在中国走向世界的大时代,我们的高校和科研机构应如何培养全球化人才,以此结束全书。作者:王正绪 阅读:33 下载:0 -
On January 1, 2021, the first law to be named as “code”—the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter “Civil Code”) came into force. The enactment and enforcement of the Civil Code is a significant event in the process of modernization of national governance capacity and governance system in China, and will have a far-reaching impact on promoting the construction of the rule of law in China, better protecting people’s rights and interests, and encouraging the development of the socialist market economy.作者:申卫星 阅读:196 下载:0 -
作为“中国—东盟法律研究中心研究员文丛”之一,本书全面介绍了中国-东盟投资和贸易争端解决机制的不同要素和内容。作者:阳兴龙 阅读:832 下载:0 -
该书从民法著作的角度概观中国民法学百年的变迁。在图书选材上,越是早期的著作,越力求全面,努力做到没有遗漏;越是晚近的著作,越强调图书本身的重要性和影响力。中国民法学百年中的“百年”固有所指,但本书仍对百年前后略有论及,以更好的反映中国民法学的全貌。作者:张志坡 阅读:609 下载:1 -
本书译自我国著名法学家、中国政法大学终身教授陈光中先生的《中国古代司法制度》(北京大学出版社2017年版)。中国古代司法制度是中国古代法制的重要组成部分。中国古代法制具有“诸法合体,民刑不分”的特点,中国古代的司法活动也自有其独特的运行方式与规律。古人为我们留下了大量的典籍、史料,我们可以通过这些材料去了解中国古代司法制度的构建,并尽可能还原中国古代司法活动的样貌。作者:陈光中 阅读:790 下载:12 -
債務不履行による損害賠償責任(以下では「債務不履行責任」という。)が認められるための要件については、比較法的にみても、考え方が分かれている。その際、特に問題となっているのは、債務不履行責任について債務者の「帰責事由」を要求するかどうか、特に「帰責事由」として債務者の過失を必要とするかどうかである。これは、債務不履行責任の帰責原理を過失責任の考え方に求めるか、それともそれとは異なる考え方に求めるかという問題にほかならない。作者:徐千寻 阅读:865 下载:7 -
Educational governance is a product of scholars’ application of the word “governance” to the education sector. It comes into being and develops with the emergence of the concept of “governance.” It has a profound impact on the way of supply of education products, the revival and reestablishment of public value, and the public participation in education decision-making. An important common direction of international education reform is to break through the traditional educational administration system and build an educational governance mechanism based on the governance theory.作者:周洪宇等 阅读:812 下载:1 -
Changing Households and Government Governance
中国是一个有着悠久家户主义传统的国家,一家一户构成中国社会的基本组织单元。传统时期,家户的社会功能极为完备,包括生育、生产、消费、养老、教育等均主要由家户承担,对外部社会的需求和依赖有限。20世纪下半叶以来,随着经济社会条件的变化,家户的社会功能呈现出明显的弱化趋势,对外部社会的需求和依赖不断增加,并引致国家力量日益深入到农户家庭的日常生活当中。本书以若干典型农户为考察中心,从长时段的视角考察了家户变迁与政府治理之间此消彼长的互动过程,分析了产生这一现象的原因,并以此为基础,尝试建构不同于以往的政府治理的理论模式。作者:黄振华 阅读:1077 下载:1 -
The party leadership influence in China's legal system
This book uncovers several institutions within China’s legal system which facilitate the leadership of Chinese Communist Party in Chapters One to Four. They are: the Party’s institutions of control over the legislative process; the use of the change-ofvenue system to break local networks; the centralization of anticorruption measures; Party control through grassroots organizations, and transforming arrangements to promote participatory governance during emergencies. These institutions cover the making, application, enforcement and community practice of law. They all have legal bases and function according to the rules set out in relevant laws.作者:Deng Jinting 阅读:1152 下载:2 -
《刑事诉讼法》(第七版)由著名法学家、中国政法大学终身教授、中国刑事诉讼法学研究会名誉会长陈光中主编。本次出版的《刑事诉讼法》英文版是对《刑事诉讼法》(第七版)进行翻译形成的作品。英文版于2022年11月由美国法学专业出版社W.S.Hein和Wells合作出版,并已全文登录HeinOnline数据库“法治中国”主题文献库(China Law and Society)。作者:陈光中 阅读:2372 下载:9 -
As the final outcome of the key research project titled “On the Theoretical Character of Historical Materialism” sponsored by the key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education in 2008, this book is currently published with the title of “On the Historicist turn of Marxian Philosophy and the End of Western Metaphysics.” It is aimed to re-explore the question of “what is the general character of Marxian philosophy” and I would argue that “Marxian philosophy is rightly historical materialism.”作者:刘福森 阅读:1136 下载:1 -
Personality Rights Law of the People’s Republic of China—A Coursebook
An independent “Book of Personality Rights” in the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code) is not only an important innovation in its system but also a major highlight for it to fully protect the rights and interests of the people. Personality rights are the various personality interests enjoyed by civil subjects pursuant to the law and free from any invasion, such as the right to life, the right to body, the right to health, the right to name, the right to entity name, the right to likeness, the right to reputation, the right to privacy, and the like. If the protection of property interests is aimed at providing a material basis for the survival and development of a subject, then the protection of personality interests is aimed at maintaining his/her subjectival existence. This existence is a prerequisite for a civil subject to be able to engage in social activities. Personality rights, which are related to the personal dignity of each person, are the most basic and important rights of civil subjects. And among the many rights and interests enjoyed by civil subjects, personality interests are at the highest level of significance.作者:王利明 阅读:1217 下载:3 -
Changing Households and Government Governance
Description: Getzville, New York: William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; Great Neck, New York: Wells Information Services Inc. (USA), [2023] | Series: China law & society library. | “A publication of the HeinOnline China Law & Society Library.” | Translation of: Jiahu bianqian yu zhengfu zhili: jiyu nonghu de zhengzhi renleixue kaocha (Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she, 2019).作者:HUANG Zhenhua 阅读:1544 下载:4 -
本书是国内学术界首部运用法律文化学原理解读中国宪法文化的理论作品。从文化学的宏观立场来看,古代基本法与中国近现代宪法之间存在着密切的文化关联。古代政制中的德政模式、集权结构、等级秩序以及人治机制,乃是中国宪法文化生长的基础土壤,并以文化根基的作用方式,支配和影响了宪法知识体系在近代中国的舶入过程与建构形态。该书梳理了西宪东入的时代语境以及宪法知识体系移植的历史进程,并从宪政的四个维度全面解析了中国近现代宪制在观念理解、制度设计以及实施运行上所表现出的文化特征,深刻地揭示出“宪法是一种文化”这一理论命题的当代宪政意义。 本书是由中文版经过专业翻译而成的英文译著。作者陈晓枫,宪法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授,博士生导师。作者:陈晓枫,宪法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授,博士生导师。 阅读:3371 下载:1 -
2022年5月,由中国资深翻译家、西南政法大学外语学院前院长宋雷教授担任审校,西南政法大学朱元庆、曹志建、牛奔林等专家组成的外译团队翻译的《中华人民共和国民法典》(英文版)由美国海恩公司和威尔斯公司联合出版,并作为《中华人民共和国民法典》唯一英文译本收录于国际著名法律数据库HeinOnline,供世界各地英语读者参阅,助力中国法律文化的全球传播。作者:宋雷、朱元庆、曹志建、牛奔林等 阅读:21399 下载:81 -
Philosophy of Criminal Law
Description: Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc. ; Great Neck, New York : Wells Information Services Inc. (USA), 2021 | Series: China law & society library. | “A publication of the HeinOnline China Law & Society Library.” | “This work is sponsored and supported by the Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences”--Title page verso. | Abridged English version of the 6th Chinese edition published in 2017 by Renmin University Press.作者:Chen Xingliang 阅读:3102 下载:3 -
A History of Chinese Constitutional Theory
Description: Getzville, New York: William S. Hein & Co., Inc. ; Great Neck, New York : Wells Information Services Inc. (USA), 2020. | Series: China law & society library. | “A publication of the HeinOnline China Law & Society Library.” | Includes bibliography. | Contents: Introduction: Contemporary mission of the studies on history of Chinese constitutional theory -- A summary of the development of Chinese constitutional theory -- Constitutional theory from late Qing Dynasty to Republic of China (ROC) era -- Constitutional theory since the founding of new China -- Evolution of the concept of human rights -- Evolution of the concept of fundamental rights -- Evolution of the concept of fundamental obligations -- Evolution of the concept of citizenship -- Evolution of the concept of constitutional governance -- Evolution of the concept of democracy -- Evolution of the concept of “republic” -- Evolution of the concept of local autonomy.作者:Han Dayuan 阅读:2585 下载:3 -
Research on Improvement of China’s Social Security System
Description: Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc. ; Great Neck, New York : Wells Information Services Inc. (USA), [2021] | Series: China law & society library. | “A publication of the HeinOnline China Law & Society Library.” | Includes bibliographical references.作者:Ding Jianding et al. 阅读:2603 下载:0 -
General Principles of Civil Law: Concrete and Abstract
Description: Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc. ; Great Neck, New York : Wells Information Services Inc. (USA), 2021 | Series: China law & society library. | At head of title: National Key Publications Publishing Planning Project in the “13th Five year Plan”; Contemporary Chinese Jurists’ Library; Cui Jianyuan’s Research of Civil Law Series. | “A publication of the HeinOnline China Law & Society Library.” | “This work is sponsored and supported by the Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences”--Title page verso.作者:Cui Jianyuan 阅读:2626 下载:1 -
Collection of Chinese Intellectual Property Litigation Cases
This book features a large number of typical cases handled by the KWM IP litigation team from 2013 to 2020, many of which were selected as "Top 10 IP Cases" and "Top 50 Typical IP Cases of the Year in Chinese Courts" by the Supreme People's Court, or "Typical IP Cases of the Year" and "Innovative IP Cases of the Year" by local courts. The judgments made by courts across the country in these cases reflect the judicial philosophy and implementation standards of such courts in the fields of copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets, layout-design of integrated circuits, monopoly and competition in recent years. Some judgments have great significance for China's IP legal practice and IP protection. Most of the authors of this book are lawyers who have represented clients in such relevant cases. Relying on their expertise and strength, these lawyers successfully defended the legitimate rights and interests of rights holders by effectively collecting and using the evidence, and contributed to the innovation and improvement of adjudication rules in the cases.作者:King & Wood Mallesons 阅读:2594 下载:0 -
Qu Guangqing(屈广清): Study of Conflict and Application of Maritime Laws
Contents Chapter 1 Overview Section 1 Regulating Methods of Private International Maritime Law Section 2 Sources and Contemporary Development of Private International Maritime Law Chapter 2 Research on Maritime Real Right Section 1 Ship Ownership Section 2 Ship Mortgage Section 3 Maritime Lien Section 4 Possessory Lien on Ship Section 5 Other Real Rights of Ship Chapter 3 Research on Maritime Contracts Section 1 Contract for Carriage of Goods by Sea Section 2 Marine Insurance Contract Chapter 4 Research on Maritime Torts Section 1 Ship Collision Section 2 Oil Pollution from Ships Section 3 Loss of Life or Personal Injury at Sea Section 4 Other Maritime Torts Chapter 5 Research on Salvage at Sea and General Average Section 1 Salvage at Sea Section 2 General Average Chapter 6 Research on the Limitation of Liability for Foreign-Related Maritime Claims Section 1 Conflict of Laws Section 2 Application of Law Chapter 7 Practical Questions of the Private International Maritime Law in China after the Implementation of the Law on the Application of Law to Foreign-Related Civil Relations and Countermeasures Section 1 Practice of the Private International Maritime Law in China after the Implementation of the Law on the Application of Law to Foreign-Related Civil Relations Section 2 Questions of the Private International Maritime Law in China after the Implementation of the Law on the Application of Law to Foreign-Related Civil Relations and Countermeasures Afterword作者:Qu Guangqing 阅读:3811 下载:0 -
He Jiong(贺炯): The Protection of the Communication Right Concerning Internet Service Provider’s Infringement Under Chinese Copyright Law
Summary Communication right is a form of copyright to regulate the communication of works, performances, and phonograms on an interactive on-demand basis by wire or wireless means. China has introduced its 2006 Network Regulations to protect communication right from the Internet Service Provider (ISP)’s infringement, with regard to ISP’s each functional role as content provider and non-content provider of access provider, host provider, and information location tool provider. This thesis will examine whether the Chinese protection of the communication right concerning ISP’s infringement is adequate to permit effective action against any infringement of the right, according to the WIPO Internet Treaties-standard. The method employed in this book is to analyse the protection of the communication right with respect to five closely interrelated key issues that require elucidation in sequence, which are the framework of the right, the reproduction during the communication, the technical protection, the rules of limitations and exceptions, and the enforcement of the right. During each analysis, the relevant provisions of both the WIPO Internet Treaties and Chinese Copyright Law will be analysed. Afterwards, a comparison between the relevant provisions will be made to examine whether the Chinese protection satisfies the minimum standard of the WIPO Internet Treaties. As the WIPO Internet Treaties do not define the extent of the concrete protection at a national level, a further analysis, which is based upon the study of the Chinese legal practice, will be made to examine whether the Chinese protection is adequate to permit effective action against ISP’s act of infringement of the right. After the analysis and comparison, this thesis will assert that the protection of the communication right concerning ISP’s infringement under Chinese Copyright Law still remains inadequate, due to the legislative disadvantages within the three-level copyright system. This thesis will identify those disadvantages, with respect to ISP’s different functional roles, and make a concrete proposal for legislative reform.作者:He Jiong 阅读:7728 下载:0 -
A History of the Modernization of Chinese Journalism
The period of the Beijing Government reign (a duration spanning from 1916 to 1928, commonly referred to as the Beiyang Government phase in the mainland China) is an interval during which China transitioned from a traditional society into a modern one, and this period assumes a role of paramount importance that bridges the past and the future. Characterized by the juxtaposition of complicated political rivalry and constantly mutating circumstances, this phase bred vibrant media and vigorous reporters. Previous researches into this phase are chiefly centered upon criticizing and exposing how the Beiyang Government had oppressed the journalism industry and persecuted reporters; however, the media environment then was indeed loose and tolerant at large, and the media progressed at a comparatively rapid speed. In fact, with respect to this particular period of history, relatively objective and positive evaluations have been produced across fields of study. For instance, the economic history acknowledges the feat as manifested in the development of national economy at a high speed in this duration while the legal and political histories recognize the efforts and attempts made for the sake of the formation of a modern Chinese judicial system and democracy as witnessed by this period. Likewise, in the developmental course of our journalism, it is indicated by a multitude of signs that this period concerned is another golden era for the progression of media, as illustrated by the concurrent emergence of modernized newspaper office buildings in China, the application of presses with high-speed rotation and the employment of telegraphs and telephones as the crucial means of news communication. In the meantime, this golden era for media development is also evidenced by such transformations: the conventional commercial news industry initiated the reform by adopting the modern corporate system; the internal institutional configuration, personnel and welfare systems began to emerge that were in conformity with the operation of modern media; the revenues gained through distribution and advertising became a vital economic source of the newspapers and journals; press interviewing started to be taken on the soil of foreign lands and the interviewing and editing were increasingly vi A History of the Modernization of Chinese Journalism in compliance with the requirements of modern journalism; theories of journalism being developed continually, not only the western theories were imported into China through translation, the Chinese community of journalism also conducted theoretical self-reflection upon itself. Furthermore, inspirational and encouraging newspaper groups began to appear; new ideas were in circulation in that the capitalist enlightenment ideas championing democracy and liberty as well as the socialist advocacy for nation redemption were featured prominently in newspapers and journals. Moreover, the journals dedicated to the “intellectuals commenting upon politics”, which were tinted with intense Chinese characters, began to signal their approaching the glamour of maturation gradually. All the above-mentioned clues indicate that this phase is indeed a period of vital importance over which the Chinese journalism strode towards modernization. Therefore, systematic study on this period has important historical value and practical significance.作者:Wang Runze (王润泽) 阅读:4098 下载:0 -
Law of Real Rights
Mr. Wang Liming is Vice President of Remin University of China. He also serves as Professor and Doctoral Advisor, while additionally assuming the posts of Member and Convenor of the Legal Science Appraisal Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, Managing Director of the China Law Society, President of the Civil Law Research Society of the China Law Society, Deputy to the National People’s Congress of the 9th, the 10th and the 11th Sessions, Committee Member of the Financial and Economic Committee of the 9th Session of the National People’s Congress, Committee Member of the Law Committee of the 10th Session of the National People’s Congress, Committee Member of the Law Committee of the 11th Session of the National People’s Congress, Committee Member of the Humanistic and Social Science Committee of the Ministry of Education, Vice Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee for Law Science of the National Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Vice Director of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Counsel to the Supreme People’s Court, Expert Consultant to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Counsel to the Ministry of Public Security, Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Construction, Member of the Beijing Expert Group, Expert Consultant to the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Advisor to the Government of Fujian Province and Vice Director of the Beijing Arbitration Commission. As one of the most established scholars on Chinese civil and commercial law, Professor Wang has published many books and articles in Chinese and other languages. Prior to this work, the English language edition of his Contract Law of China was also co-published by W.S.Hein and Wells Information Services Inc. in 2016.作者:Wang Liming(王利明) 阅读:4762 下载:7 -
Contract Law of China
Chinese Features of the Contract Law On March 15, 1999, the 2nd Session of the 9th National People’s Congress enacted the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, manifesting thereby not only the gradual consummation of the Contract Law, but also signifying that China’s civil legislation had entered a phase of systemic maturity. The formulation and gazetting of the Contract Law have served an instrumental function in preserving the legal market order and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of parties to transactions, while providing an important guarantee for trade development and market prosperity. The official gazetting of this law ended the former regime wherein the Contract Law was divided into a tripartite division of forms, to wit the Economic Contract Law, the Foreign Economic Law, and the Technology Contract Law. By prescribing a more complete set of contract law provisions of it significantly filled the gaps in contract law legislation that had for so long persisted, and eradicated the phenomena of repetition, lack of coordination, and even contradictions arising from and between multiple contract law enactments, while ameliorating their dispersed and disorderly condition by consummating the Contract Law and its unity and systematization, in particular. In general, the Contract Law functions in the following important ways.作者:Wang Liming(王利明) 阅读:4728 下载:12 -
Law and Economics: Application and Solution in China
Aiming for application and solution of the Law and Economics in China, this book throws light upon theoretical paradigm and analytical framework of the Law and Economics; applies the Law and Economics to all department laws and the rule of law such as legislations, justice, law enforcement and legalization; and finally proposes valuable and constructive policy suggestion. Integrating traditional normative jurisprudence and economics with a focus on empirical analysis, this book pictures a panorama of China-based Law and Economics research and lays a solid foundation for the futher development of Chinese Law and Economics.作者:Feng Yujun (冯玉军) 阅读:4247 下载:1 -
PREFACE China’s Rule of Law Index is a result of the co-researches of the “Innovation of Evaluation of the Rule of Law in China and its Generalization and Implementation” supported by the Major Issues of the National Social Science Foundation and the “Fundamental Theories of the Evaluation of the Rule of Law” supported by the Major Issues of Beijing Federation of Social Science Circles and Major Issues of Renmin University of China Development Report. The National Academy of Development and Strategy of Renmin University also contributed to this research. The Evaluation Center of the Rule of Law of Renmin University of China was approved by the China Law Society as the latter’s research base in early 2016. The Politics and Law Committee of the CCP Central Committee decided to appoint the center to execute its 2016 Project Research concerning “The Evaluation System and Mechanism of the Situation of the Rule of Law of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.” All the parties mentioned above have supported, encouraged, and confirmed this research. This index is derived from the series of Report on China Law Development. This report is annually compiled and includes 2007 Report on China Law Development: Database and Index,1 2010 Report on China Law Development: 60 Years of China Legislation,2 2011 Report on China Law Development: Towards a Pluralistic Implementation of Law,3 2012 Report on China Law Development: Professionalization of China Law Practitioners,4 2013 Report on China Law Development: Legal Education and Research,5 and 2014 Report on China Law Development: Construct Government of the Rule of Law.6 All these reports were based on objective statistics concerning specific areas. These reports aim to arrange the statistics according to a certain system of indicators. China’s Rule of Law Index is also a 2015 Report.7 This index is unique as it is based on a subjective evaluation where all the statistics are derived from a first-hand questionnaire survey conducted in late 2015. This index is the first subjective evaluation of the rule of law in China, reflecting various strands of the development of the rule of law. 1 (Report on China Law Development: Database and Indicators), Renmin University of China Press, 2007. 2 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2010: China Lawmaking 60 Years), Renmin University of China Press, 2011. 3 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2011:Law-Enforcing Towards Pluralism), Renmin University of China Press, 2012 4 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2012: Professionalization of China’s Legal Workers), Renmin University of China Press, 2013 5 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2013: Legal Education and Research), Renmin University of China Press, 2014. 6 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2014: Construction of Legal Government), Renmin University of China Press, 2015. 7 (Renmin University of China Report on China Law Development 2015: China Indicators of the Rule of Law), Report on China Law Development: China Indicators of the Rule of Law, (zhongguo falvfazhan baogao 2015: zhongguo fazhi pinggu zhibiao) Renmin University of China Press, 2016. x CHINA’S RULE OF LAW INDEX The Evaluation Center for the Rule of Law of Renmin University of China is responsible for drafting this report. The division of labor is as follows: 1. General Framework Designers Indicator design: ZHU Jingwen (professor at Renmin University of China Law School and director at the Evaluation Center for the Rule of Law); Questionnaire design and statistic counting: RAN Jingfu (associate researcher at the Institute of Law of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences); Questionnaire survey: WANG Weidong (deputy director at National Survey Research Center of Renmin University of China and associate professor at Renmin University of China, Ph.D. in sociology) 2. Drafting Team Members Introduction: ZHU Jingwen Chapter 1 Legal Norm System by FENG Yujun (professor at Renmin University of China Law School, Ph.D. in law); Chapter 2 Enforcement System of the Rule of Law by RAN Jingfu (project leader, 2.2 Indicators of Judicial Enforcement); MENG Tao (associate professor at Renmin University of China Law School, Ph.D. in law, 2.1 Indicators of Executive Enforcement); PENG Xiaolong (associate professor at Renmin University of China Law School, Ph.D. in law, executive director at Multiform Dispute Resolution Center of Renmin University of China, 2.3 Indicators of Social Governance); Chapter 3 Supervision System of the Rule of Law by MENG Tao (project leader, 3.2 Indicators of Executive Supervision); FENG Yujun (3.1 Indicators of Document Supervision); RAN Jingfu (3.3 Indicators of Judicial Supervision); Chapter 4 Safeguard System of the Rule of Law by PENG Xiaolong (project leader, 4.2 Indicators of Financial Safeguard); RAN Jingfu (4.1 Indicators of the Personnel Safeguard); LIU Kunlun (associate professor at China University of Political Science and Law, Ph.D. in law, executive director at Research Center of Legal Education, 4.3 Legal Education and the Popularization of Law); Chapter 5 CCP’s Rules and Regulations by WANG Lifeng (professor at the Department of Politics and Law of Party School of the Central Committee of CCP, Ph.D. in law); Chapter 6 Effectiveness System of the Rule of Law by ZHU Jingwen (project leader); WANG Lifeng (6.1 Indicators of Power Control); YE Chuanxing (associate professor at Renmin University of China Law School, Ph.D. in law, deputy director at the Human Rights Center of Renmin University of China, 6.2 Indicators of Human Rights); SHI Yan’an (professor at Renmin University of China, Ph.D. in law, executive director at Research Center for Criminal Justice of Renmin University of China, 6.3.1 Community Security, 6.3.2 Social Order); PENG Xiaolong (6.3.3 Dispute Resolution Mechanism); LIU Kunlun (6.4 Notions of the Rule of Law) Conclusion: ZHU Jingwen Editor-in-Chief: ZHU Jingwen ZHU Jingwen March 2016 at Shi Ji Cheng, Beijing作者:Zhu Jingwen (Chief Editor) 主编:朱景文 阅读:5156 下载:2 -
Free Trade and Cultural Diversity in International Law
This book attempts to reconcile the concept of free trade with a key non-trade social value - cultural diversity - in an era of economic globalisation. It first shows how we can look at culture in many different ways, and explains why we should care about cultural diversity. The book then examines the challenges that policymakers are faced with in formulating cultural measures in the new media environment, and analyses UNESCO's theories and approaches to cultural diversity. This is followed by a comprehensive examination of the treatment of 'culture' in global and regional trade agreements, including the framework of the GATT/WTO system, the WTO's judicial practice involving cultural products, and the treatment of culture under the EC/EU and NAFTA. This identifies the challenges trade norms encounter in dealing with cultural products. The author seeks to formulate a balanced view of the challenge of protecting and promoting cultural diversity while also recognising the important goal of trade liberalisation. To this end Professor Shi proposes a dual method through which the norms found in WTO agreements and in UNESCO cultural instruments may be brought into alignment: the first highlighting the compatibility of cultural policy measures with trade obligations on a domestic level, the second suggesting potential linkages between the WTO rules and the UNESCO Convention from the perspectives of treaty interpretation.作者:石静霞 阅读:5914 下载:31
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:196 下载:10 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 108 • September/October 2024
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2024年第5期(总第108期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:构建全球发展共同体:核心要义与中国实践 李丹 李龙龙;新形势下中国推动上海合作组织发展的路径思考 李天毅 邓浩;美日菲三边合作机制化及其影响 郑先武 薛亮;非洲之角安全治理与中国方案 张梦颖;印度半导体产业发展态势与前景 楼春豪;澳大利亚深化与北约关系:动因与影响 沈予加。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:157 下载:2 -
Contemporary China and the World Volume 2, Issue 1
《当代中国与世界》创刊于2021年,是由中国外文出版发行事业局主管、当代中国与世界研究院主办的学术期刊。该杂志以研究国际政治、经济、文化、科技等领域的重大理论和现实问题为主要内容,旨在为广大读者提供深度、权威、全面的国际视野。作者:当代中国与世界研究院 阅读:197 下载:0 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 14 • Issue 3 • September 2024
社长:赵忠秀;资深顾问:林桂军;主编:屠新泉;联合主编:杨国华;编委会成员:陈卫东(对外经济贸易大学);崔凡(对外经济贸易大学);丁如(中国政法大学);高树超(新加坡管理大学);管健(高文律师事务所);何菁(己任律师事务所);黄建忠(上海对外经贸大学);孔庆江(中国政法大学);李春顶(中国农业大学);李巍 (中国人民大学);李永(中国国际贸易学会);廖诗评(北京师范大学);卢先堃(日内瓦智库“多边主义之友小组”);吕越(对外经济贸易大学);马弘(清华大学);盛斌(南开大学);石静霞(中国人民大学);王栋(北京大学);王勇(北京大学);曾卡(阿肯色州立大学);周密(商务部研究院);周围欢(新南威尔士大学)。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:300 下载:6 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 23 Number 5 OCTOBER 2024(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:217 下载:0 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 23 Number 4 AUGUST 2024(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:223 下载:0 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 14 • Issue 4 • December 2024
社长:赵忠秀;资深顾问:林桂军;主编:屠新泉;联合主编:杨国华;编委会成员:陈卫东(对外经济贸易大学);崔凡(对外经济贸易大学);丁如(中国政法大学);高树超(新加坡管理大学);管健(高文律师事务所);何菁(己任律师事务所);黄建忠(上海对外经贸大学);孔庆江(中国政法大学);李春顶(中国农业大学);李巍 (中国人民大学);李永(中国国际贸易学会);廖诗评(北京师范大学);卢先堃(日内瓦智库“多边主义之友小组”);吕越(对外经济贸易大学);马弘(清华大学);盛斌(南开大学);石静霞(中国人民大学);王栋(北京大学);王勇(北京大学);曾卡(阿肯色州立大学);周密(商务部研究院);周围欢(新南威尔士大学)。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:379 下载:6 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 107 • July/August 2024
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2024年第4期(总第107期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:坚持正确人权观 推动国际人权事业健康发展 外交部国际司;三大倡议与全球治理体系改革和建设 于江;和平共处五项原则的国际法内涵与时代价值 黄惠康 白晓航;俄罗斯“转向东方”政策演变及前景展望 李自国;美菲特殊关系的回归: 动因、影响及制约 刘阿明;经济安全与日本对东南亚经济外交的战略和策略 周生升;北约太空政策的调整及其影响 何奇松。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:583 下载:3 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 3, Issue 2, Summer 2024
2024年夏,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 3, Issue 2, Summer 2024) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:732 下载:23 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2024
2024年春,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2024) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:713 下载:19 -
Modern Law Research: Volume 5 Issue 2 2024
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Research on the Judicial Accountability Subject Model in China,Jun Meng;EU Data Governance Act: New Developments in Data Governance Rules and Implications for China, Xiaotong He;Research and Analysis of Copyrightability of Artificial Intelligence Generated Images, Meiling Guo;Issues on the Identification of B/L Carrier: Judicial Practice, Theories and the Proposed Revision on China’s Maritime Law, Shouzhi An, Kun Xu;Analysis on The Mode of Juvenile Procuratorial Integration Performance,Mingen Li;Social Governance Community:Connotation Definition,Construction Practice and Optimization Approach,Peizhang Shao;The System of Shareholders’ Capital Calls: Creation, Structure and Orientation,Zhuoran Zhang;The Legal Positioning of Rural Collective Economic Organizations: History and Value,Feiran Ji;Jurisprudence of Aggravation of the Crime of Buying Abducted Women or Children, Wenxin Dong;Research and Analysis on th Calculation Method of Punitive Damages in Food Safety Civil Public Interest Litigation,Yujie Shen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:704 下载:4 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 14 • Issue 2 • June 2024
社长:赵忠秀;资深顾问:林桂军;主编:屠新泉;联合主编:杨国华;编委会成员:陈卫东(对外经济贸易大学);崔凡(对外经济贸易大学);丁如(中国政法大学);高树超(新加坡管理大学);管健(高文律师事务所);何菁(己任律师事务所);黄建忠(上海对外经贸大学);孔庆江(中国政法大学);李春顶(中国农业大学);李巍 (中国人民大学);李永(中国国际贸易学会);廖诗评(北京师范大学);卢先堃(日内瓦智库“多边主义之友小组”);吕越(对外经济贸易大学);马弘(清华大学);盛斌(南开大学);石静霞(中国人民大学);王栋(北京大学);王勇(北京大学);曾卡(阿肯色州立大学);周密(商务部研究院);周围欢(新南威尔士大学)作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:1044 下载:12 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 14 • Issue 1 • March 2024
社长:赵忠秀;资深顾问:林桂军;主编:屠新泉;联合主编:杨国华;编委会成员:陈卫东(对外经济贸易大学);崔凡(对外经济贸易大学);丁如(中国政法大学);高树超(新加坡管理大学);管健(高文律师事务所);何菁(己任律师事务所);黄建忠(上海对外经贸大学);孔庆江(中国政法大学);李春顶(中国农业大学);李巍 (中国人民大学);李永(中国国际贸易学会);廖诗评(北京师范大学);卢先堃(日内瓦智库“多边主义之友小组”);吕越(对外经济贸易大学);马弘(清华大学);盛斌(南开大学);石静霞(中国人民大学);王栋(北京大学);王勇(北京大学);曾卡(阿肯色州立大学);周密(商务部研究院);周围欢(新南威尔士大学)作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:984 下载:4 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 13 • Issue 4 • December 2023
社长:赵忠秀;顾问:孙振宇;主编:林桂军;编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu, Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:1030 下载:5 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 23 Number 2 APRIL 2024(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:550 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 23 Number 1 FEBRUARY 2024(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:647 下载:10 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 6 DECEMBER 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:793 下载:4 -
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2024年第3期(总第106期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:倡导平等有序的世界多极化 : 理论基础与实践路径 刘卿;倡导普惠包容的经济全球化 : 内涵、逻辑及时代意义 刘飞涛;大趋势与小周期作用下的中美关系 吴心伯;全球发展倡议下的中拉绿色合作:进展、挑战与路径 曹廷;日本准同盟战略:实践、动因及制约因素 王竞超;美国军事战略的人工智能化趋势及其影响 刘胜湘 李志豪;大国竞争背景下的人工智能安全治理与战略稳定 沈逸 高瑜。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:569 下载:5 -
Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies—Selected Papers Volume 4, Issue 1, 2024
The Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies is an independent, peer-reviewed journal published in association with Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies. The Journal is a leading forum for articles on international land and maritime boundaries, the law of the sea and ocean governance, aspires to be a journal that provides a better understanding of the historical, geographical, political and legal dimensions of the boundary, borderland, cross-border, transborder and ocean issues.作者:武汉大学 阅读:837 下载:6 -
Contemporary China and the World Volume 1, Issue 2
Contemporary China and the World(《当代中国与世界》英文版)创刊于2023年,是当代中国与世界研究院主办的英文版智库学刊,由W.S.Hein和Wells合作出版,致力于推动中国学术观点走向世界,积极向国际社会传播全球治理的中国方案,回应国际社会重要关切,搭建中外思想交流对话平台,打造中国智慧、中国方案、中国话语对外传播新业态。作者:当代中国与世界研究院 阅读:1034 下载:7 -
Contemporary China and the World Volume 1, Issue 1
Contemporary China and the World(《当代中国与世界》英文版)创刊于2023年,是当代中国与世界研究院主办的英文版智库学刊,由W.S.Hein和Wells合作出版,致力于推动中国学术观点走向世界,积极向国际社会传播全球治理的中国方案,回应国际社会重要关切,搭建中外思想交流对话平台,打造中国智慧、中国方案、中国话语对外传播新业态。作者:当代中国与世界研究院 阅读:1163 下载:19 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 105 • March/April 2024
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2024年第2期(总第105期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:中国参与解决国际热点问题的理念、原则和实践 王帆;中日韩合作的发展、困境与前景 巴殿君 左天全;拜登主义与美国外交政策的转型 王浩;印度强化与“全球南方”关系:战略雄心与制约 张杰;全球数字治理赤字:表现、成因与中国的应对 蔡翠红 李煜华;全球网络空间治理:核心问题、中国方案与未来方向 徐龙第。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1073 下载:10 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 2, Issue 4, Winter 2023
2023年冬,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 2, Issue 4, Winter 2023) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1577 下载:2 -
Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies—Selected Papers Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023
The Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies is an independent, peer-reviewed journal published in association with Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies. The Journal is a leading forum for articles on international land and maritime boundaries, the law of the sea and ocean governance, aspires to be a journal that provides a better understanding of the historical, geographical, political and legal dimensions of the boundary, borderland, cross-border, transborder and ocean issues.作者:武汉大学 阅读:935 下载:3 -
Modern Law Research: Volume 5 Issue 1 2024
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Research on the Judicial Accountability Subject Model in China,Jun Meng;EU Data Governance Act: New Developments in Data Governance Rules and Implications for China, Xiaotong He;Research and Analysis of Copyrightability of Artificial Intelligence Generated Images, Meiling Guo;Issues on the Identification of B/L Carrier: Judicial Practice, Theories and the Proposed Revision on China’s Maritime Law, Shouzhi An, Kun Xu;Analysis on The Mode of Juvenile Procuratorial Integration Performance,Mingen Li;Social Governance Community:Connotation Definition,Construction Practice and Optimization Approach,Peizhang Shao;The System of Shareholders’ Capital Calls: Creation, Structure and Orientation,Zhuoran Zhang;The Legal Positioning of Rural Collective Economic Organizations: History and Value,Feiran Ji;Jurisprudence of Aggravation of the Crime of Buying Abducted Women or Children, Wenxin Dong;Research and Analysis on th Calculation Method of Punitive Damages in Food Safety Civil Public Interest Litigation,Yujie Shen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:962 下载:6 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 104 • January/February 2024
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2024年第1期(总第104期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:自信自立、开放包容、公道正义、合作共赢 王毅;中国的发展中国家外交与人类命运共同体建设 江时学;欧盟对非洲政策再调整的地缘政治转向 金玲;欧盟在中美欧互动中的多重角色与中欧关系 赵怀普;美日韩三边合作机制的建立及影响 杨延龙 张蕴岭;美国制造业回流政策:实施效果与制约因素 宫小飞 袁征。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1243 下载:5 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 103 • November/December 2023
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第6期(总第103期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:美国霸权护持战略的调适与中美关系的未来 赵明昊;美国“印太战略”的演进:中国的认知与战略应对 凌胜利;美欧对华“去风险”战略及对中国的影响 柯静;“新华盛顿共识”与美国经济战略的转型 李巍;拜登政府气候外交战略:动因、进展与制约因素 张玉环;全球气候治理新动向与中国应对 胡彬 董文娟。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1095 下载:4 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 4 Number 3 2023
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Justification of Income Power of the Right of Habitation-Peizhang Shao, Chenglin Zhang;Analysis of the Innovation of “1,2,3” Law Popularization Mode in the Era of Financial Media-Xi Zhang;Research on the connection mechanism under the "one-stop" dispute resolution-Miaomiao Chen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1103 下载:5 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 4 Number 4 2023
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Justification of Income Power of the Right of Habitation-Peizhang Shao, Chenglin Zhang;Analysis of the Innovation of “1,2,3” Law Popularization Mode in the Era of Financial Media-Xi Zhang;Research on the connection mechanism under the "one-stop" dispute resolution-Miaomiao Chen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1074 下载:2 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 5 OCTOBER 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1260 下载:4 -
2022年春,《法学(Law Science)》期刊(英文版)开始由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:4887 下载:0 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 2, Issue 3, Autumn 2023
2023年秋,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 2, Issue 3, Autumn 2023) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1676 下载:8 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 2, Issue 2, Summer 2023
2023年夏,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 2, Issue 2, Summer 2023) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1575 下载:8 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2023
2023年春,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2023) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1558 下载:15 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 1, Issue 4, Winter 2022
2022年冬,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 1, Issue 4, Winter 2022) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1941 下载:5 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 1, Issue 3, Autumn 2022
2022年秋,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 1, Issue 3, Autumn 2022) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1603 下载:7 -
Law Science (法学) – Selected Papers Volume 1, Issue 2, Summer 2022
2022年夏,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 1, Issue 2, Summer 2022)已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:1683 下载:14 -
Law Science(法学)– Selected Papers Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 2022
2022年春,《法学》期刊(英文版)(Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 2022) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:2226 下载:9 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 102 • September/October 2023
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第5期(总第102期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:中国全球伙伴关系构建的多边主义转向 陈志瑞 吴琳;中国经略上合组织:进展、战略与前景 邓浩;中国对外开放新格局与共建“一带一路”高质量发展 孙海泳;美国联盟战略:发展、调整与困境 王迎晖;拜登经济民族主义:形态、根源及影响 刘飞涛;美日在东南亚的联手拓展:战略协同与影响限度 项昊宇 鲍志鹏。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1363 下载:6 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 4 AUGUST 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1339 下载:3 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 13 • Issue 3• September 2023
社长:赵忠秀;顾问:孙振宇;主编:林桂军;编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu, Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:1942 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 3 JUNE 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1424 下载:5 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 2 APRIL 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1477 下载:3 -
《海洋法律与政策》2023年第1期 总第7期(半年刊)
当前,世界正经历百年未有之大变局,国际局势出现深刻复杂变化,全球治理的不稳定不确定性也愈加凸显。在目前俄乌冲突持续升级、日本核污染水强排入海、全球发展鸿沟愈发突出、大国博弈竞争加速升级的大背景下,海洋经济、海洋技术实施等方面的发展面临着诸多不确定因素,其带来的新风险与新挑战日益受到关注。在积极响应中国自由贸易港建设、推进21世纪海上丝绸之路发展的号召下,《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948,ISSN 2710-1738(online)紧扣国际法、海洋法、海商法、海事行政法律及政策等主题,以期达到交流成果,启迪智慧,紧跟学术思潮,为广大读者服务的目的。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包含日本 IAEA 福岛 ALPS 处理水报告所具疑义、美国《2022年航运改革法》的修订及其影响、海洋生物资源养护与海洋环境保护的法律关系等热点问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:2164 下载:22 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 101 • July/August 2023
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第4期(总第101期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:乘势而上:中国斡旋沙特伊朗复交及其影响 牛新春 李绍先;中印关系嬗变及出路 蓝建学;中国—东南亚共建“一带一路”高质量发展:地区经验、秩序重构与战略再定位 张洁 梁鸿;“一带一路”建设与国际经贸规则创新和完善 孔庆江;推动自主发展:全球文明倡议下中国对非洲治理援助 宋微;“全球南方”视域下的日本对非洲政策 马汉智;“印太战略”框架下印度莫迪政府的非洲政策 徐国庆。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1449 下载:6 -
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第3期(总第100期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:国际组织与中美战略竞争——演变、态势和影响 张贵洪 余姣;中国式现代化、欧洲模式与中欧关系 周弘;“时代转折”中的欧洲与中欧关系 崔洪建;论印度与美西方国家的关系:现状、动力、影响及趋势 王世达;印度对华安全困境泛化的表现、动因及其纾困政策路径 吴兆礼;欧盟经贸立法:动向、特点与对华影响 邹磊;全球金融公共品的武器化 周宇。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1552 下载:4 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 99 • March/April 2023
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第2期(总第99期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:美国视中国为“主要威胁”的思想溯源和理论依据 杨洁勉;探索中美战略博弈的边界 吴心伯;欧亚地缘政治变局下的欧亚经济联盟:走势与前景 李自国;日本国家安全保障战略的调整:特点、动因及影响 孟晓旭;美国北极战略新动向及对北极治理的影响 匡增军;欧盟与印度深化合作:动因及制约因素 姜胤安;澳大利亚工党政府对华政策及其限度 宁团辉。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1652 下载:3 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 13 • Issue 2• June 2023
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀 编辑:李淑玲, 刘建昌。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:2101 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 6 DECEMBER 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1538 下载:2 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 22 Number 1 FEBRUARY 2023(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:1675 下载:4 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:1634 下载:1 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 4 Number 2 May 2023
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Justification of Income Power of the Right of Habitation-Peizhang Shao, Chenglin Zhang;Analysis of the Innovation of “1,2,3” Law Popularization Mode in the Era of Financial Media-Xi Zhang;Research on the connection mechanism under the "one-stop" dispute resolution-Miaomiao Chen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1627 下载:15 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 4 Number 1 March 2023
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:The dilemma and countermeasures of the online dispute resolution mechanism-Haixia Qin;Review Criteria for the Voluntariness of the Plea Bargaining-Xinyi Xie;The Conflict of Interest Rules: The Comparative Study for Chinese and American Lawyers’ Law-Zheng Wang。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1653 下载:9 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 3 Number 3 December 2022
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:Path analysis of procedural diversion in plea cases-Shize Zhang;The Difference between the 'Knowledge and approval' Doctrine and the Undue Influence Doctrine — Why the Knowledge and Approval Doctrine is Redundant to Australian Succession Law?-Zhaodi Yu;A Study on Legal Vocabulary Translation Based on the Characteristics of Legal English Vocabulary -Lei Huang, Guowei Zhuang。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1555 下载:5 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 3 Number 2 November 2022
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:The Theory of Relative Invariance of the Age of Criminal Responsibility-Pengqing Sun;The embodiment of whole-process democracy in local legislation-Wei Zhang;Optimizing the Progression of Financial Rights Protection for the Rural Elderly-Zhixun Liu 。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1626 下载:4 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 3 Number 1 August 2022
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:The Reform of Legal Practice Teaching in the Age of Intelligent Internet-Jun Meng;On the Cognizance of the Defendant's Status in the Crime of Falsely Issuing VAT Invoices in China-Xiaoyuan Li;Liquidation liability of minority shareholders in a limited company-Ying Li。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1718 下载:3 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 2 Number 4 November 2021
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:The Dilemma and Breakthrough of Data Identification in Electronic Lawsuits-Jie Jiang;Study on Controlling Smog Pollution by the Man-machine Cooperation-Dan Wang, Xuan Qin, Xinxin Chen;Practical Issues and Optimization Ideas of China's Rural Ecological Environment Governance under the Background of "Rural Revitalization Promotion Law"-Zhao Chen, Yi Lin, Jingyi Guo。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1604 下载:4 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 2 Number 3 May 2021
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Review:Deglobalizing Rule of Law and Democracy: Hunting Down Rhetoric Through Comparative Law-Mauro Bussani。Articles:Analysis of Legal Issues Related to Debt Accession Determination-Donglin Peng;Orientation of "Law" in the General Principles of the Civil Code-Yudong Lu, Dan Li。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1799 下载:2 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 2 Number 2 March 2021
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Review:Conservative Innovation: The Ambiguities of the China International Commercial Court-Chaisse Julien, Qian Xu;An Inspection Regime for Cyber Weapons: A Challenge Too Far?-Przemysław Roguski;Coordinating UK Trade and Climate Policy Ambitions: A Legislative and Policy Analysis -Emily Lydgate, Chloe Anthony。Articles:On the Effectiveness of Real Estate Mortgage Contracts without Mortgage Registration-Donglin Peng;Challenges and Paths for Foreign-invested Enterprises to Exercise Their Rights to Participate in China’s Standard-setting System-Weiyang Lou。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1791 下载:1 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 2 Number 1 January 2021
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Articles:On the Forms of China's Legal Work Under the New Technology Carrier-Haijuan Qin;Reflections on the Rule of Law: The Governance of Public Opinion under the Background of Intelligent Media and COVID-19-Bin Yan, Keqing Wang;An Attribution Analysis of the Soft Environment for the Deficiency of Sportsmanship Ethics-Honglei Dai, Meizi Liu;A Legal and Economic Analysis of the Allocation of Liability for Unknown Risks in the Context of Business Environment-Shuo Huang。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1867 下载:2 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 1 Number 3 November 2020
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Review:Palliation or Protection: How Should the Right to Equality Inform the Government’s Response to Covid-19?-Meghan Campbell, Sandra Fredman, Aaron Reeves;In Search of a Privacy Action Against Breaches of Physical Privacy in Hong Kong-Jojo YC Mo。Articles:Research on the Governance of Cyber Terrorism under the Construction of National Trust-Xiangtao Ma;A Probe into the Localization of the Malicious Complementary Age Rule-Zihui An;Take TOPBuzz as an Example to See the Copyright Disputes of Aggregated News Client-Qian Liu;Research on the Copyright Protection of Online Animation from the Perspective of the Internet-Yi Jiang。作者:Modern Law Research 阅读:1762 下载:1 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 1 Number 2 September 2020
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Review:Facing the Future: Facial Recognition Technology Under the Confrontation Clause-Emma Lux;If Words Can Kill, How Should Criminal Law Intervene?-Yixuan Zhang;Using the Power of "Me Too" Evidence in Criminal Sexual Assault Trials-Yixuan Zhang。Articles:A Review of the Principles and Characteristics of Legalist Thoughts in "Guanzi" Studies in Taiwan, China-Jirong Yang, Ying Jiang;Research on the Way of Obtaining Electronic Physical Evidence Based on Python—Take Windows Log Document as an Example-Shancheng Lin, Qianhao Chen;Research on Empathy Governance Path of De-radicalization-Jiwu Ma;The Current Situation and Reflection of Online Picture Infringement on E-commerce Platform-Jialian Wang。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1793 下载:2 -
Modern Law Research:Volume 1 Number 1 July 2020
《当代法律研究》(Modern Law Research)是由美国出版公司 MASON PUBLISH GROUP 创刊出版的学术期刊。国际刊号:Online ISSN:2692-3130;Print ISSN:2692-3122。Review:Deglobalizing Rule of Law and Democracy- Hunting Down Rhetoric Through Comparative Law-Mauro Bussani。Articles:Study on Labor Right Protection and Countermeasures in Mergers and Acquisitions-Bei Xiao;Research on the Legal Risk of Securitization Bankruptcy in Aircraft Finance Lease-Zongwen Gu;Demarcation and Convergence of Investigation Powers of the China Supervision Commission-Jun Meng;Research on Social Responsibility of Internet Media Corporates from the Perspective of Law-Xinyue Lu;Research on Survival Guarantee of Natural Persons after Bankruptcy-Haijun Shen。作者:MASON PUBLISH GROUP 阅读:1738 下载:3 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 98 • January/February 2023
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2023年第1期(总第98期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:胸怀天下,勇毅前行 谱写中国特色大国外交新华章 王毅;中国周边地区双重结构性矛盾与印太联盟体系的构建 韩爱勇;东盟网络安全政策与中国—东盟合作 王睿;拜登政府太平洋岛国战略评析 陈晓晨;美国对中国科技“脱钩”的战略动机及政策措施 周琪;美国贸易政策安全化及其对世界贸易体系的影响 竺彩华;韩国深化与北约关系:动因与影响 詹德斌。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1750 下载:2 -
《海洋法律与政策》2022年第2期 总第6期(半年刊)
当前,世界正经历的百年未有之大变局,国际局势出现深刻复杂变化,全球治理的不稳定不确定性也愈加凸显。在目前俄乌冲突持续升级、全球发展鸿沟愈发突出、大国博弈竞争加速升级的大背景下,海洋经济、海洋技术实施等方面的发展面临着诸多不确定因素,其带来的新风险与新挑战日益受到关注。在积极响应中国自由贸易港建设、推进21世纪海上丝绸之路发展的号召下,《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948,ISSN 2710-1738(online)紧扣国际法、海洋法、海商法、海事行政法律及政策等主题,以期达到交流成果,启迪智慧,紧跟学术思潮,为广大读者服务的目的。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包含日本核污染水排放的国家责任、水下文化遗产的国际治理、司法保护海洋生态环境、审慎推行和扩大沿海捎带等热点问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:2129 下载:9 -
《海洋法律与政策》2022年第1期 总第5期(半年刊)
当前,百年变局和世纪疫情交织叠加,国际局势出现深刻复杂变化,世界进入新的动荡变革期,全球治理的不稳定不确定性也愈加凸显。在目前俄乌冲突持续升级、新冠肺炎疫情蔓延反复、全球发展鸿沟愈发突出、大国博弈竞争加速升级的大背景下,海洋经济、海洋技术实施等方面的发展面临着诸多不确定因素,其带来的新风险与新挑战日益受到关注。在积极响应海南自由贸易港建设、推进21世纪海上丝绸之路发展的号召下,《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948,ISSN 2710-1738(online)紧扣国际法、海洋法、海商法、海事行政法律及政策等主题,以期达到交流成果,启迪智慧,紧跟学术思潮,为广大读者服务的目的。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包含司法保护海洋生态环境、拜登政府的南海政策与南海地区的多边主义合作、防空识别区的实践与习惯国际法规则等热点问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:2340 下载:5 -
《海洋法律与政策》2021年第4期 总第4期(季刊)
当今世界正在经历百年未有之大变局,和平与发展仍是时代主题,但不稳定性与不确定性却更加突出。在目前中美贸易战、新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行、气候问题日益突出的大背景下,海洋经济、海洋技术实施等方面的发展面临着诸多不确定因素,其带来的新风险与新挑战日益受到关注。在积极响应海南自由贸易港建设、推进 21 世纪海上丝绸之路发展的号召下,《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948,ISSN 2710-1738(online)紧扣国际法、海洋法、海商法、海事行政法律及政策等主题,以期达到交流成果,启迪智慧,紧跟学术思潮,为广大读者服务的目的。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包含了中美贸易战和新冠肺炎疫情影响下的海商法、商品合同和不可抗力条款的解释与适用、欧洲航运业碳治理政策、运输合同下承运人查验提单真实的责任、蓝碳保护体系构建等热点问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:2014 下载:7 -
《海洋法律与政策》2021年第3期 总第3期(季刊)
21世纪是海洋的世纪,世界各国的目光大多聚焦在海洋资源开发、海洋经济发展和海洋技术实施上。我国不断开展海洋法治工作,以海洋发展的全局视野,提升海洋战略价值认识,加强对海洋领域的开发建设,一次次地吹响“海洋强国”的号角。在 21 世纪海上丝绸之路建设及海 南自由贸易港建设不断推进的背景下,创办《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948,ISSN 2710-1738(online),以期达到交流成果,启迪智慧,紧跟学术思潮,为广大读者服务的目的。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文涵盖了“长赐”号事件、美国联邦海事委员会“第29号事实调查”、《北京公约》之修订、海事判决的承认与执行中的法律等热点问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:2209 下载:12 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 13 • Issue 1• March 2023
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀 编辑:李淑玲, 刘建昌。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:2085 下载:7 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 97 • November/December 2022
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第6期(总第97期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:全球数字治理——发展、困境与中国角色 戚凯 周祉含;印度对全球经济治理的认知及政策取向 杨文武 黎思琦;数字全球化与中美战略竞争 王栋 高丹;拜登政府“供应链韧性”战略探析 李巍 王丽;日本强化对欧安全合作的动因与前景 孙文竹;拜登政府对华经贸政策:再调整与新竞争 宋国友;澜湄水合作的守正创新与包容性次地区秩序构建 翟崑 张添。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1900 下载:3 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 96 • September/October 2022
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第5期(总第96期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:中美新时代正确相处之道 王毅 ;新形势下的中韩关系:挑战与选择 张蕴岭;全球治理的金砖模式:生成逻辑与实践路径 徐秀军;美国外交政策的危机及其根源 左希迎;大国竞争转型与北约的战略调整 李晨;欧盟“全球门户”战略及其对“一带一路”倡议的影响 吴昊 杨成玉;“印太经济框架”的动因、前景及对中国的影响 杜兰。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1925 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 5 OCTOBER 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2117 下载:4 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 4 AUGUST 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2155 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 3 JUNE 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2147 下载:0 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 2 APRIL 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2044 下载:3 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 12 • Issue 4 • December 2022
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀 编辑:李淑玲, 刘建昌。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:2384 下载:5 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:2129 下载:10 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 95 • July/August 2022
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第4期(总第95期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:和平、发展、自主、包容 坚定践行开放的地区主义 王毅 ;中国对中亚外交:进展、经验与未来方向 邓浩;全球安全倡议与构建周边安全新架构 韩爱勇;乌克兰危机下的世界秩序变局和发展中国家的使命担当 杨洁勉;从俄乌冲突看全球安全治理困境及出路 王林聪;欧盟对外战略转型与中欧关系重塑 金玲;欧洲大国介入印度洋:特点、动机及影响 曾祥裕。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2289 下载:3 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 12 • Issue 3 • September 2022
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀 编辑:李淑玲, 刘建昌。作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:2389 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 21 Number 1 FEBRUARY 2022(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2207 下载:6 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 20 Number 6 DECEMBER 2021(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2211 下载:4 -
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第3期(总第94期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:大变局、大格局、大胸怀——中美必须找到新时期正确相处之道 秦刚 ;拜登政府“印太战略”及对中国的影响 韦宗友;美英澳三边安全伙伴关系:特点、影响与前景 陈晓晨 陈弘;日本经济安全保障战略及其对中国的影响 朱海燕;韩国对中美战略博弈的认知、因应与中韩关系走向 张弛;全球发展倡议下的中国对外粮食安全合作 张帅;粮食安全的全球治理与中国参与 于宏源 何婧。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2659 下载:4 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:2146 下载:1 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 12 • Issue 2 • June 2022
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:2865 下载:2 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 93 • March/April 2022
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第2期(总第93期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:塑造中美战略竞争的新常态 吴心伯 ;美国对华全面战略竞争:本质、特点与内在紧张 王健;数字时代全球经济治理变革与中国策略 徐秀军 林凯文;后疫情时代全球经济治理的新竞争格局与中国应对 孙伊然;新时代中国参与全球经济治理:进展、挑战与努力方向 张雪;中国—东盟合作与地区秩序优化 翟崑;RCEP 在推动东亚区域合作中的作用与新课题 沈铭辉。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2613 下载:2 -
2022年春,《法学》期刊(英文版)Law Science (Volume 1) 已于近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版。作为中国最具问题意识、追求探索创新的法学期刊之一,《法学》的海外出版,承担着重要的学术使命和责任。作者:华东政法大学 阅读:6796 下载:14 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 12 • Issue 1 • March 2022
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:3236 下载:2 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 20 Number 5 OCTOBER 2021(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2384 下载:3 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:2677 下载:0 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 92 • January/February 2022
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2022年第1期(总第92期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:2021年中国外交:秉持天下胸怀,践行为国为民,王毅,第5页;大疫情背景下中国对外援助和国际发展合作,罗照辉,第25页;伙伴关系再升级:东盟关切、中国责任与地区秩序,魏玲,第36页;欧美对华政策协调及其局限,严少华,第65页;英国脱欧对欧美关系的影响,张蓓,第87页;“价值观外交”:德国新政府的外交基轴?熊炜,姜昊,第114页;美式小多边主义与美国重塑全球经贸体系,沈伟,胡耀辉,第138页。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2701 下载:8 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 20 Number 4 AUGUST 2021(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2943 下载:4 -
法律与国际事务学会 (The Foundation for Law and International Affairs,FLIA) 是一个独立、无党派的美国非营利性智库,于2015年在华盛顿特区注册成立。FLIA 是一个教育、学术和咨询智囊团,也是法律和国际事务的专业机构。FLIA 的任务是促进法律和国际事务交叉领域的国际交流、教育和合作。作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:2525 下载:1 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 91 • November/December 2021
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2021年第6期(总第91期)。主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部。主办单位:中国国际问题研究院。目录:发展互鉴——构建中拉新型交流合作关系,郭存海,第5页;俄罗斯对欧政策调整:内涵及影响因素,赵隆,第45页;“印太”视角下印度与东盟关系,宁胜男,第73页;政党政治与澳大利亚对华政策的转变,宁团辉,第119页。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2771 下载:6 -
Journal of WTO and China:Volume 11 • Issue 4 • December 2021
社长:夏文斌 顾问:孙振宇 主编:林桂军 编委会成员:Ann Capling, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Inkyo CHEONG, Lenkuo Hu,Paul J. Davidson, Paul T-W Lee, Pieter Bottelier, Scott Kennedy, Yoo Soo Hong,陈鹏, 丁丁, 陈文敬, 崔凡, 范黎波, 韩立余, 李春顶, 李丽, 隆国强, 裴长洪, 桑百川,沈铭辉, 盛斌, 屠新泉, 王成安, 薛荣久, 杨凤鸣, 杨国华, 余敏友, 张汉林, 张玉卿,赵宏, 赵龙跃, 赵忠秀作者:世界贸易组织与中国杂志社编辑部 阅读:3548 下载:8 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 90 • September/October 2021
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2021年第5期(总第90期)。目录:新时代中国国际战略探析,赵可金,第5页;大变局下的中国与国际发展合作,魏玲,第30页;全球治理趋向扁平,秦亚青,第60页。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2810 下载:3 -
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2021年第3期(总第88期)。目录:致力于实现“不让一个人落下”的伟大目标——对联合国领导国际社会消除贫困工作的思考和建议,徐步,第5页;全球数字治理:挑战与应对, 蔡翠红 王远志,第20页。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2569 下载:3 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 87 • March/April 2021
《中国国际问题研究》,英文·双月刊,2021年第2期(总第87期)。目录:中国外交 拜登执政与中美战略竞争走向,吴心伯,第5页;现行国际秩序演变的方向与中国的选择,达巍,第24页 ;新时代中国国际秩序观:认知、政策取向与实现路径,石斌, 第39页。作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2489 下载:4 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS Volume 20 Number 3 JUNE 2021(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:2717 下载:3 -
《海洋法律与政策》 2021年第2期 总第2期(季刊)
《海洋法律与政策》(Marine Law and Policy),ISSN 2709-3948, ISSN 2710-1738 (online), 是海南大学国际海洋法律与争端解决研究中心(HNU-CISLDS)结合大中华地区其他七家兄弟院校 在香港合作创办的学术季刊。本刊的目的在于支持 21 世纪海上丝绸之路的宏大愿景,服务中国 (海南)自由贸易港的具体建设工作。这一平台希望能发挥纠合同志,引入智慧,交流经验与 创新构想的功能,以为公私领域内的读者们服务。本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包括了自贸港建设中的涉海问题、国际海事组织、海洋 环境保护以及渔民权益保障等公私海洋法律问题。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:3096 下载:6 -
《海洋法律与政策》 2021年第1期 总第1期(季刊)
本期《海洋法律与政策》刊发的论文包括了海洋政策与公私海洋法律的几个重大新问题热点。特别是来自香港与台湾的学者专家,分别针对港台地区港口管理,进行了田野调查,发表了他们的研究报告,对于建设海南自由港以及推进21世纪海上丝绸之路的建设,有着特殊重要的意义。作者:《海洋法律与政策》编辑部 阅读:3235 下载:11 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 89 • July/August 2021
<中国国际问题研究>英文版双月刊 英文·双月刊 2020年第1期(总第80期) 顾 问:唐家璇 李肇星 编委会主任委员:戚振宏 编委会副主任委员:阮宗泽 徐 坚 编委会委员:(以姓氏拼音字母为序) 董漫远 郭宪纲 刘江永 戚振宏 秦亚青 荣 鹰 阮宗泽 石 泽 苏 格 王缉思 邢广程 徐 坚 杨洁勉 元 简 周 弘 [英国] 肖恩·布思林 [俄罗斯] 亚历山大·卢金 [美国] 迈克尔·史文 主 编:阮宗泽 执行编辑:姜志达 吴劭杰 文字编辑:William Jones Benjamin Green 主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部 主办单位:中国国际问题研究院 出版单位:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 地 址:北京东城区台基厂头条3号 邮政编码:100005 联系电话:010-85119538 电子邮箱:gyzz@ciis.org.cn 期刊网站:www.ciis.org.cn/gyzz 国内订阅:全国各地邮局 国内代号:80-477 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4946 国际标准连续出版物号:lSSN 1673-3258 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5344/D作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:1986 下载:3 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 85 • November /December 2020
<中国国际问题研究>英文版双月刊 英文·双月刊 2020年第6期(总第85期) 顾 问:唐家璇 李肇星 编委会主任委员:戚振宏 编委会副主任委员:阮宗泽 徐 坚 编委会委员:(以姓氏拼音字母为序) 董漫远 郭宪纲 刘江永 戚振宏 秦亚青 荣 鹰 阮宗泽 石 泽 苏 格 王缉思 邢广程 徐 坚 杨洁勉 元 简 周 弘 [英国] 肖恩·布思林 [俄罗斯] 亚历山大·卢金 [美国] 迈克尔·史文 主 编:阮宗泽 执行编辑:姜志达 吴劭杰 文字编辑:William Jones Benjamin Green 主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部 主办单位:中国国际问题研究院 出版单位:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 地 址:北京东城区台基厂头条3号 邮政编码:100005 联系电话:010-85119538 电子邮箱:gyzz@ciis.org.cn 期刊网站:www.ciis.org.cn/gyzz 国内订阅:全国各地邮局 国内代号:80-477 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4946 国际标准连续出版物号:lSSN 1673-3258 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5344/D作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:2890 下载:0 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS VOL. 19 NO. 4 August 2020(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3504 下载:4 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 84 • September/October 2020
<中国国际问题研究>英文版双月刊 英文·双月刊 2020年第1期(总第80期) 顾 问:唐家璇 李肇星 编委会主任委员:戚振宏 编委会副主任委员:阮宗泽 徐 坚 编委会委员:(以姓氏拼音字母为序) 董漫远 郭宪纲 刘江永 戚振宏 秦亚青 荣 鹰 阮宗泽 石 泽 苏 格 王缉思 邢广程 徐 坚 杨洁勉 元 简 周 弘 [英国] 肖恩·布思林 [俄罗斯] 亚历山大·卢金 [美国] 迈克尔·史文 主 编:阮宗泽 执行编辑:姜志达 吴劭杰 文字编辑:William Jones Benjamin Green 主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部 主办单位:中国国际问题研究院 出版单位:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 地 址:北京东城区台基厂头条3号 邮政编码:100005 联系电话:010-85119538 电子邮箱:gyzz@ciis.org.cn 期刊网站:www.ciis.org.cn/gyzz 国内订阅:全国各地邮局 国内代号:80-477 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4946 国际标准连续出版物号:lSSN 1673-3258 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5344/D作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:3324 下载:2 -
We are pleased to announce the inaugural issue of The Foundation for Law and International Affairs Review (FLIA Review) (ISSN: 2576-6619). FLIA Review is a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by the Foundation for Law and International Affairs. The purpose of this journal is to provide members of the legal profession and the general public with high-quality articles, essays, and book reviews by individual authors or co-authors and reports and surveys by scholars and professionals at the intersection of law and international affairs. It seeks to create a new, transnational model for the production and dissemination of scholarship at the intersection of law and international affairs. The initial issue of FLIA Review is the culmination of a three year-long planning and implementation process. It demonstrates FLIA’s continues desire and efforts to help scholars and professionals who wish to get involved in global scholarships and contribute to global governance. FLIA Review is now accepting submissions for its forthcoming issues. Please feel free to contact us at fliareview@flia.org should you have any questions or check out our website https://flia.org/flia-review/ for more information.作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:4120 下载:3 -
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3438 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS VOL. 19 NO. 2 April 2020(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3766 下载:4 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 82 • March/April 2020
<中国国际问题研究>英文版双月刊 英文·双月刊 2020年第1期(总第80期) 顾 问:唐家璇 李肇星 编委会主任委员:戚振宏 编委会副主任委员:阮宗泽 徐 坚 编委会委员:(以姓氏拼音字母为序) 董漫远 郭宪纲 刘江永 戚振宏 秦亚青 荣 鹰 阮宗泽 石 泽 苏 格 王缉思 邢广程 徐 坚 杨洁勉 元 简 周 弘 [英国] 肖恩·布思林 [俄罗斯] 亚历山大·卢金 [美国] 迈克尔·史文 主 编:阮宗泽 执行编辑:姜志达 吴劭杰 文字编辑:William Jones Benjamin Green 主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部 主办单位:中国国际问题研究院 出版单位:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 地 址:北京东城区台基厂头条3号 邮政编码:100005 联系电话:010-85119538 电子邮箱:gyzz@ciis.org.cn 期刊网站:www.ciis.org.cn/gyzz 国内订阅:全国各地邮局 国内代号:80-477 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4946 国际标准连续出版物号:lSSN 1673-3258 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5344/D作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:3457 下载:10 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS VOL. 19 NO. 1 February 2020(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3146 下载:2 -
We are pleased to announce the inaugural issue of The Foundation for Law and International Affairs Review (FLIA Review) (ISSN: 2576-6619). FLIA Review is a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by the Foundation for Law and International Affairs. The purpose of this journal is to provide members of the legal profession and the general public with high-quality articles, essays, and book reviews by individual authors or co-authors and reports and surveys by scholars and professionals at the intersection of law and international affairs. It seeks to create a new, transnational model for the production and dissemination of scholarship at the intersection of law and international affairs. The initial issue of FLIA Review is the culmination of a three year-long planning and implementation process. It demonstrates FLIA’s continues desire and efforts to help scholars and professionals who wish to get involved in global scholarships and contribute to global governance. FLIA Review is now accepting submissions for its forthcoming issues. Please feel free to contact us at fliareview@flia.org should you have any questions or check out our website https://flia.org/flia-review/ for more information.作者:Foundation for Law and International Affairs 阅读:4380 下载:3 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS VOL. 18 NO. 6 December 2019(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3055 下载:1 -
THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS VOL. 18 NO. 5 October 2019(人权期刊)
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:CHINA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES 中国人权研究会 阅读:3621 下载:4 -
CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Number 80 • January/February 2020
<中国国际问题研究>英文版双月刊 英文·双月刊 2020年第1期(总第80期) 顾 问:唐家璇 李肇星 编委会主任委员:戚振宏 编委会副主任委员:阮宗泽 徐 坚 编委会委员:(以姓氏拼音字母为序) 董漫远 郭宪纲 刘江永 戚振宏 秦亚青 荣 鹰 阮宗泽 石 泽 苏 格 王缉思 邢广程 徐 坚 杨洁勉 元 简 周 弘 [英国] 肖恩·布思林 [俄罗斯] 亚历山大·卢金 [美国] 迈克尔·史文 主 编:阮宗泽 执行编辑:姜志达 吴劭杰 文字编辑:William Jones Benjamin Green 主管单位:中华人民共和国外交部 主办单位:中国国际问题研究院 出版单位:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 地 址:北京东城区台基厂头条3号 邮政编码:100005 联系电话:010-85119538 电子邮箱:gyzz@ciis.org.cn 期刊网站:www.ciis.org.cn/gyzz 国内订阅:全国各地邮局 国内代号:80-477 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4946 国际标准连续出版物号:lSSN 1673-3258 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5344/D作者:《中国国际问题研究》编辑部 阅读:4208 下载:10 -
The Journal of Human Rights (JHR) is a peer-reviewed bimonthly academic journal that was launched in 2002. It is published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights at the China University of Political Science and Law. Editorial policy: This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue and exchange on human rights between China and other countries around the world, while encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. It provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights. It also touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics and philosophy, etc.作者:China Society for Human Rights Studies 阅读:4338 下载:6 -
Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies-Selected Papers, Volume 1, 2019
Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies (JBOS) is the first multidisciplinary peer-viewed academic journal that specializes in national boundary and ocean studies. Under the sponsorship of Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights, JBOS Chinese version is published bimonthy. This is the journal's first collectiion of selected papers published in English作者:Hu Dekun-Chief Editor (主编:胡德坤) 阅读:3404 下载:0
Silent Changes: Transsexuals' Right to Marry in China's Mainland and Hong Kong
In comparison to the arduous process of rights advocacy in Hong Kong, transsexuals in China’s mainland achieved their right to marry via some “silent changes”: there was no legal activism from transsexual communities, no debates or hearings in the legislature, and no landmark judgments made by the judiciary. From a perspective of comparative law, this article attempts to analyze the legal changes regarding transsexuals’ right to marry in China’s mainland in light of the struggles in Hong Kong. It endeavors to discuss to what extent the seemingly “smooth” and “unintended” way of opening up marriage to transsexuals in China’s mainland could be beneficial to trans rights and equality in general.作者:郭晓飞、朱静姝 阅读:4837 下载:1 -
The Realities of Law Are the Winning Narratives
This article begins explaining the Aristotelian reduction of rhetoric to persuasion, which came to determine Western tradition until modern times. To understand Aristotle’s methodology the author then wants to discuss the concept of enthymeme, the “rhetorical syllogism,” in Aristotle’s own words. In order to try a realistic critique on the Aristotelian rhetoric, more adequate to a rhetoric of modern law, the author will suggest three epistemological points of departure, three theses, and the three levels of rhetoric that support them.作者:João Maurício Adeodato 阅读:3760 下载:1 -
Rethinking Inclusion: Is There a Right to Inclusive Education?
By combining theories of education, human rights law, and political philosophy, the author provides lenses to understanding inclusive education, thereby establishing consensus on the new, cognitive grounds over the description of a better inclusive education system for all children. The investigation is guided by two research questions. The first question concerns what description we should hold for a better education system inclusive of disabled children. The second addresses how to arrive at a consensus over that better system among stakeholders and within the whole society. To answer these questions, the investigation is conducted through both transcendental and comparative routes. Firstly, to contextualize this research, a brief review of theoretical disagreements on inclusive education is provided, and a case study of China’s struggles towards inclusion is presented. The theoretical review and the case study provide concrete information for later assessment and comparison between reality and the ideal plan. Meanwhile, the author discusses ways to go beyond binary thoughts and disorganized practice. To achieve the goal, transcendental thought experiments are employed to generate new grounds for a more comprehensive, inclusive project; the idea of a right to inclusive education is elaborated.作者:倪震 阅读:4321 下载:2 -
Research on Theory, Legislations and Practices about Regulating Non-practicing Entities in China
Non-Practicing Entities (NPE), as a subject, is a neutral concept, but the derogatory sense of translation and understanding on this concept and the chaos of understanding make the legal regulation of NPE encounter more difficulties and challenges. In fact, NPE issues are concerned, discussed and researched in China within quite a long period, however, it would not become an outstanding legal issue nowadays. NPE as a market entity, its existence is legitimate per se, and what the law should focus on is the unfair conduct that NPE might be engaged in rather than the subject of NPE itself. It is not necessary to make specific articles and provisions on the subject of NPE at present in the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the PRC which are revised in China, and a serial of rules and guidelines for Anti-Monopoly Law of the PRC which are formulated in China. It proved that the unfair conducts of NPE should be regulated according to Patent law, Anti-Unfair Competition Law and Anti-Monopoly Law as well as, reconfirmed that the conclusion that the regulation of NPE in China laws focus on conducts rather than subject in a serial of cases such as the anti-monopoly investigation case against INTERDIGITAL Corporation initiated by the National Development and Reform Commission, the case that the Ministry of Commerce imposed restrictive conditions to approve that Microsoft acquired Nokia equipment and service business, and the commercial defamation case that Shenzhen Libang Precision Instrument Co., Ltd vs Shenzhen Mairui Biological Medical Electronic Co., Ltd which was reviewed by the Supreme People’s Court.作者:孟雁北 阅读:5703 下载:12 -
Rule for Preferred Stock in China: Overthrow of the Principle of "Equal Shares, Equal Rights"?
The principle of “equal shares, equal rights” was established by the Company Law of 1993 of the People’s Republic of China. At the initial stage only issuance of common stocks was allowed and the issuance of preferred stocks was interpreted as prohibited. The Company Law of 2006 has changed the rigidity of provisions of the Company Law of 1993 and laid down the legal foundation for issuance of preferred stock. The Rule for Administration of the Pilot Project for Preferred Stocks released on March 21, 2014 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission started the issuance of the preferred stocks in the Chinese capital market. The establishment of the legal system for issuance of preferred stock in China is not the symbol of overthrowing the principle of “equal shares, equal rights,” but the expansion and development of the principle of “equal shares, equal rights” in a new era.作者:徐冬根 阅读:4527 下载:0 -
Confidential Geodata Protection in China: Challenges, Liability Concerns and Possible Solutions
In recent years, a growing number of foreign companies and individuals were involved in geodata violations in China. The Chinese government is facing greater pressure to protect confidential geodata within its territory. Geodata violations occurred in the course of illegal mapping and surveying, geographical and geological data collection and transactions. Although China has reformed laws and regulations to refine some aspects of confidential geodata management, existing rules remain ambiguous and controversial. This article aims to address the liability concerns raised among foreign companies from geodata violations. After defining the three most significant concepts, geological data, mapping and surveying, and state secrets, this article reviews the status quo, reasons for and impacts of geodata violations in China, to find out how big the problem is and why it matters. It then explores the legislative framework of state secrets protection in the context of geodata management; special focus is put on liability issues and problems of the current system. As a response to existing arguments, possible ways to improve confidential geodata protection and some practical tips for foreign businesses are offered.作者:赵小波 阅读:4444 下载:2
2024年10月15日,自然资源部发布《中国矿产资源报告(2024)》。《报告》显示,中国采矿业固定资产投资连续3年正增长,主要矿产品供给稳中有升,矿产资源节约集约与综合利用稳步推进。2023年,采矿业固定资产投资较上年增长2.1%。其中,有色金属矿采选业同比大幅增长 42.7%,非金属矿采选业增长16.2%,石油与天然气开采业增长15.2%,煤炭开采和洗选业增长12.1%。截至2023年底,中国已发现矿产173种,其中能源矿产13种,金属矿产59种,非金属矿产95种,水气矿产6种;煤炭储量较2022年底增长5.6%,石油、天然气剩余探明技术可采储量分别增长1.2%和2.6%。作者:自然资源部 阅读:891 下载:12 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(法文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:974 下载:8 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(俄文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:944 下载:5 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(德文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1010 下载:8 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(阿拉伯文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1037 下载:7 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(葡萄牙文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1014 下载:11 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(日文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1126 下载:8 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(西班牙文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1058 下载:10 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(英文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。根据党中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院牵头并联合中央广播电视总台,组织翻译了党的二十届三中全会文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文和越南文、老挝文、葡萄牙文等十个语种的外文译本。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:1617 下载:15 -
中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定(中文)
2024年7月15日至18日,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。中央委员会总书记习近平作重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托所作的工作报告,审议并通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》。习近平总书记就《决定》向全会作了说明。作者:中共中央 阅读:1074 下载:11 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:1513 下载:21 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:1794 下载:66 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:2133 下载:90 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:1734 下载:25 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:2256 下载:39 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:1388 下载:6 -
2024年3月11日下午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议、关于2023年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2024年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议、关于2023年中央和地方预算执行情况与2024年中央和地方预算的决议、关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告的决议等。中央党史和文献研究院根据以上四个报告的修订版完成了外文的翻译和审定工作并发布了《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的全文译文,供翻译界同仁参考。为方便大家对照使用,我们将新华社发布的中文版《政府工作报告》也附在了文件的后部。作者:中央党史和文献研究院译 阅读:4048 下载:86 -
2023年8月11日,中国商务部发布《美国履行世贸规则义务情况报告》,梳理美国履行世贸组织规则义务概况,并作总体评价,表达对美破坏多边贸易体制、实施单边贸易霸凌、操纵产业政策双重标准、扰乱全球产业链供应链等政策措施的关注。作者:中国商务部 阅读:2507 下载:89 -
2023年8月11日,中国商务部发布《美国履行世贸规则义务情况报告》,梳理美国履行世贸组织规则义务概况,并作总体评价,表达对美破坏多边贸易体制、实施单边贸易霸凌、操纵产业政策双重标准、扰乱全球产业链供应链等政策措施的关注。作者:中国商务部 阅读:2583 下载:6 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2292 下载:9 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:4737 下载:106 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3126 下载:56 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3552 下载:76 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3417 下载:98 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3520 下载:74 -
2023年3月13日上午,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议举行闭幕会,表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议。中央党史和文献研究院根据报告的修订版完成了译稿工作并发布《政府工作报告》英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文七个语种的中外对照版本,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:14594 下载:381 -
2022年12月5日,中国最高人民法院发布《中国生物多样性司法保护》报告和15个生物多样性司法保护典型案例。最高法及时发布和更新涉生物多样性保护各领域司法解释,全环节、全要素、全链条打击危害陆生生物物种违法犯罪行为,明确细化破坏生态行为发生地认定规则。报告指出,作为世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,中国高度重视生物多样性保护。人民法院深入贯彻落实生物多样性保护国家战略,坚持公正司法、守正创新,用最严格制度最严密法治保护生物多样性,探索出一条具有中国特色的生物多样性司法保护道路,形成生物多样性保护的生动司法实践。作者:最高人民法院 阅读:2167 下载:5 -
外交部近日发表《新时代的中阿合作报告》,回顾中国同阿拉伯国家友好交往历史,梳理新中国成立后特别是新世纪新阶段中阿友好交往实践,展望构建中阿命运共同体的前景和方向。《报告》约1.8万字,除前言、结束语外共包括四个部分,分别是传承千年的中阿友谊、新时代的中阿关系、变局交织中继续快速发展的中阿合作、构建中阿命运共同体。作者:外交部 阅读:2384 下载:8 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF葡萄牙文版。作者:中央广播电视总台欧拉中心葡萄牙语部 阅读:2603 下载:42 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF阿拉伯文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2858 下载:37 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF德文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3590 下载:70 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF俄文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3419 下载:65 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF西班牙文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3414 下载:102 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF法文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3911 下载:71 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的翻译工作。本文是二十大报告的PDF英文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:21621 下载:657 -
举世瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会2022年10月16日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是在全党全国各族人民迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会。习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》的报告。根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院组织同步完成了党的二十大相关重要文件的英文、俄文、法文、西班牙文、日文、德文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文、老挝文、越南文共十种语言的全文译本(附新华社发布的中文版),供广大译界同仁学习交流。本文是二十大报告的PDF中文版。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:32044 下载:541 -
近日,自然资源部海洋战略规划与经济司发布《2021年全国海水利用报告》。《报告》显示,截至2021年底,全国现有海水淡化工程144个,工程规模1856433吨/日,比2020年增加了205350吨/日。沿海核电、火电、钢铁、石化等行业海水冷却用水量稳步增长。2021年全国海水冷却用水量1775.07亿吨,比2020年增加了76.93亿吨,辽宁、山东、江苏、浙江、福建、广东年海水冷却用水量超过百亿吨。2021年新发布海水利用标准9项,包括国家标准4项、行业标准5项。我国主持制定的首个海水淡化领域ISO国际标准《海洋技术—反渗透海水淡化产品水水质—市政供水指南》正式出版。2021年,国家发展改革委、自然资源部联合印发实施《海水淡化利用发展行动计划(2021—2025年)》,对“十四五”海水淡化利用发展的主要目标和重点任务做出安排。海水淡化作为重要内容被纳入“十四五”节水型社会建设、工业绿色发展等规划以及国家鼓励的工业节水工艺、技术和装备目录(2021年)中。天津、河北、山东、江苏等沿海省市出台相关规划、计划、政策,鼓励促进当地海水淡化产业发展,海水淡化在沿海供水保障体系中的作用进一步增强。作者:自然资源部 阅读:2795 下载:11 -
央行《2022 年人民币国际化报告》(中文)
中国人民银行9月份发布的《2022年人民币国际化报告》显示,人民币国际支付份额于2021年12月提高至2.7%,超过日元成为全球第四位支付货币,2022年1月进一步提升至3.2%,创历史新高。《报告》称,下一阶段,人民银行将统筹好发展和安全,以市场驱动、企业自主选择为基础,稳慎推进人民币国际化。作者:中国人民银行 阅读:2718 下载:13 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院同步完成了十三届全国人大五次会议、全国政协十三届五次会议共五个文件的外文译本,并根据大会审议通过的报告修订版完成了对3月5日外文译稿的修改和审定工作。现发布国家发展和改革委员会《关于2021年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2022年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》西班牙文版,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2535 下载:6 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院同步完成了十三届全国人大五次会议、全国政协十三届五次会议共五个文件的外文译本,并根据大会审议通过的报告修订版完成了对3月5日外文译稿的修改和审定工作。现发布国家发展和改革委员会《关于2021年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2022年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》日文版,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2928 下载:10 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院同步完成了十三届全国人大五次会议、全国政协十三届五次会议共五个文件的外文译本,并根据大会审议通过的报告修订版完成了对3月5日外文译稿的修改和审定工作。现发布国家发展和改革委员会《关于2021年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2022年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》法文版,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2604 下载:11 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院同步完成了十三届全国人大五次会议、全国政协十三届五次会议共五个文件的外文译本,并根据大会审议通过的报告修订版完成了对3月5日外文译稿的修改和审定工作。现发布国家发展和改革委员会《关于2021年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2022年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》俄文版,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2533 下载:4 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院同步完成了十三届全国人大五次会议、全国政协十三届五次会议共五个文件的外文译本,并根据大会审议通过的报告修订版完成了对3月5日外文译稿的修改和审定工作。现发布国家发展和改革委员会《关于2021年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2022年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》英文版,供翻译界同仁参考。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3723 下载:16 -
中国人权研究会2021年12月23日发布《美式民主的局限与弊病》研究报告。报告揭示出美国以选举为核心的票决民主难以支撑起完整意义上的民主政治,绝非现代民主政治的理想方案。作者:中国人权研究会 阅读:3397 下载:4 -
《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》将于2022年1月1日正式生效。目前,中国国内实施的各项准备工作已经就绪。作者:商务部官网 阅读:4428 下载:150 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3305 下载:10 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:3027 下载:0 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2939 下载:21 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2805 下载:16 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2917 下载:20 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:2688 下载:6 -
根据中央安排,中央党史和文献研究院第一时间牵头组织翻译了党的十九届六中全会文件《中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议>的说明》的英、俄、法、西、日、德、阿、葡、老、越十个语种文本。现予发布《决议》的前七个语种文本。随后发布《说明》和《公报》的七个语种文本。欢迎大家下载使用。作者:中央党史和文献研究院 阅读:7322 下载:93
1982年8月23日第五届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过;1999年12月25日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十三次会议第一次修订;根据2013年12月28日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法〉等七部法律的决定》第一次修正;根据2016年11月7日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法〉的决定》第二次修正;根据2017年11月4日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国会计法〉等十一部法律的决定》第三次修正;2023年10月24日第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议第二次修订。作者:全国人大 阅读:2392 下载:10 -
2023年9月1日,十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议表决通过《中华人民共和国外国国家豁免法》,国家主席习近平签署主席令予以公布,自2024年1月1日起施行。外国国家豁免法确立了中国的外国国家豁免制度,授权中国法院在特定情形下管辖以外国国家为被告的民事案件。这是中国统筹推进国内法治和涉外法治的又一里程碑。作者:十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议 阅读:3116 下载:19 -
2023年6月28日下午,十四届全国人大常委会第三次会议表决通过了《中华人民共和国对外关系法》,国家主席习近平签署主席令予以公布,自2023年7月1日起施行。作者:全国人大 阅读:3193 下载:33 -
2023年6月28日下午,十四届全国人大常委会第三次会议表决通过了《中华人民共和国对外关系法》,国家主席习近平签署主席令予以公布,自2023年7月1日起施行。作者:全国人大 阅读:1975 下载:11 -
2022年12月9日,最高人民法院发布《关于规范和加强人工智能司法应用的意见》。《意见》进一步明确了人民法院应用人工智能技术的指导思想、总体目标、基本原则、应用范围、系统建设和综合保障等相关要求,对于加快推动人工智能同司法工作深度融合,规范司法人工智能技术应用,努力为以中国式现代化推进中华民族伟大复兴提供有力司法服务具有重要意义。作者:最高人民法院 阅读:2627 下载:9 -
2022年5月5日,国家版权局在其官网推出了庆祝《马拉喀什条约》对中国正式生效的海报,并发布了“《马拉喀什条约》今日对中国生效”的要闻信息。作者:世界知识产权组织WIPO 阅读:3140 下载:3 -
1月27日,美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)宣称出于国家安全考虑将中国联通美洲公司列入违规名单,终止其在美国的经营授权。作者:美国联邦通信委员会 阅读:2894 下载:2 -
经过三次审议,2021年8月20日,十三届全国人大常委会第三十次会议表决通过了《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》,该法于2021年11月1日起开始施行。作者:全国人大 阅读:5002 下载:6 -
国务院新闻办公室12月29日发布《中国的出口管制》白皮书。这是中国首次发布出口管制的白皮书,旨在全面介绍中国完善出口管制治理的立场、制度和实践,阐述中国维护世界和平与发展,维护国家安全和国际安全的主张和行动。作者:国务院新闻办公室 阅读:3323 下载:3
《中美科技合作协定》于1979年签署,从那以后,这项具有重要象征意义的协定每五年续签一次,上一次是在2018年。2023年8月,美国总统拜登领导的政府决定不整体续期,只批准延期执行至2024年2月27日,以便重新谈判。据香港《南华早报》网站2024年2月27日报道,此前6个月延期的《中美科技合作协定》于2024年2月27日到期,与此同时,有关新条款和条件的谈判仍在继续。报道称,美国国务院一名发言人在2024年2月26日发给《南华早报》的一份声明中说:“国务院正代表美国政府就修改、延期和加强《美中科技合作协定》中的保护性条款进行谈判。”作者:中国-美国 阅读:2368 下载:39 -
1979年1月31日邓小平副总理访问美国时,在白宫与美国总统卡特签署了《中美科技合作协定》。这是中美建交后两国签署的首批政府间协定之一。作者:中国-美国 阅读:3506 下载:36 -
应中华人民共和国国务院总理李强邀请,所罗门群岛总理梅纳西·索加瓦雷于2023 年 7 月 9 日至 15 日对中华人民共和国进行正式访问。为进一步加强对中所关系的战略引领,双方决定建立新时代相互尊重、共同发展的全面战略伙伴关系。作者:中国政府 阅读:1658 下载:7 -
应俄罗斯联邦总统普京邀请,中华人民共和国主席习近平于2023年3月20日至22日对俄罗斯联邦进行国事访问。两国元首在莫斯科举行会谈,就中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系发展和双边务实合作重要问题深入交换意见,商定将坚定奉行相互尊重和平等互利原则,实现两国长期自主发展,推动中俄经济和贸易合作高质量发展,为全面推进双边合作注入新动力,保持两国货物和服务贸易快速发展势头,致力于2030年前将两国贸易额显著提升。作者:新华社 阅读:2940 下载:5 -
应俄罗斯联邦总统普京邀请,中华人民共和国主席习近平于2023年3月20日至22日对俄罗斯联邦进行国事访问。两国元首在莫斯科举行会谈。习近平主席还同俄罗斯联邦政府总理米舒斯京举行会见。作者:新华社 阅读:3878 下载:4 -
2023年2月24日,中国外交部发布《关于政治解决乌克兰危机的中国立场》文件。文件共十二条,一千三百余字。作者:中国外交部 阅读:2968 下载:9 -
2023年2月21日,中国外交部举办蓝厅论坛,发布《全球安全倡议概念文件》。制定发布《全球安全倡议概念文件》对帮助国际社会全面深入理解倡议、积极参与倡议合作,推动倡议早日落地见效具有重要意义。作者:外交部 阅读:2736 下载:11