The Arctic Research Plan 2022-2026 prioritizes four areas: Community Resilience and Health, Arctic Systems Interactions, Sustainable Economies and Livelihoods, and Risk Management and Hazard Mitigation. These priority areas address the relationships between people and the environment and the urgently needed research to better understand and respond to the most rapidly changing region on Earth. The plan’s cover graphic brings together many of the natural and cultural elements of the Arctic, including the importance of participatory research, Indigenous leadership in research, and co-production of knowledge between academic science and Indigenous Knowledge. The center art was produced by Molly Trainor (mollytrainor.com), an artist, designer, and copywriter from Nome, Alaska. Molly’s Iñupiaq heritage influences her work, which is aimed at cultural heritage preservation by combining traditional technology and science subjects, storytelling, and pop culture. Design of the complete cover graphic was produced by Eric Cline of TerraGraphica.