——An Assessment of Innovative and Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources
Innovative approaches to the sustainable use of marine resources have recently received more and more attention as part of new European Commission initiatives.As one of the operational proposals under the Innovation Union and Resource Efficient Europe flagships of the e u 2 020 strategy, the strategy for a sustainable bioeconomy in Europe was adopted by the European Commission in February 2012. It aims towards the development of a more innovative and low-emissions economy, which uses biological resources from the land and sea as inputs to food and feed, industrial and energy production as well as bio-based industrial and environmental protection processes. The strategy is coupled with the Commission’s Integrated Maritime Policy. More specifically w ith the "Blue Growth” initiative, which aims to harness the untapped potential of Europe’s oceans, seas and coasts for job and growth whilst safeguarding the services healthy and resilient marine and coastal ecosystems provide. It is therefore linked w ith the e u Marine Strategy Framework Directive to reach good environmental status by 2021.